The Journey 136. S. K. Bain: Psychodramas, Their Ritual Underpinnings, and Reasons to Be Cheerful (The Internet and The Personal Computer)

Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with S. K. Bain about the psychodramas inflicted on the world by its would-be rulers, the ritual underpinnings of their control mechanisms, how hard it is to know what is real and what is not, the march of history (people wanting to govern themselves), secret societies and their useful idiots, and Bain’s book, THE MOST DANGEROUS BOOK IN THE WORLD: 9/11 As Mass Ritual. Follow him at

Kris: I’m on this journey because of some things my daddy told me that led me into [studying] CIA-drugs and conspiracy theory research. What led you on your journey?

Bain: A lot of things that didn’t make sense to me. Official stories and news coverage didn’t seem to accurately describe what I was seeing. What you start researching, you really can’t fathom the degree to which our entire world is manipulated. And it turned into a search for the truth.

Kris: We make decisions now and then based on one conspiracy theory or another because we are presented with a lot of them. But I also found that not everybody on this planet is evil. And it seems that the powers-that-be aren’t really a unified force.

One thing I noticed, in Skull and Bones for instance, they wouldn’t just get quote-unquote evil people. They would get people that would be useful in controlling the narrative. And their control isn’t always completely absolute. They try very, very hard to present this psychodrama. Why do you think they do this?

Bain: Their control mechanisms have ritual underpinnings. [You’re right.] They don’t have absolute control. They can compensate for that by creating confusion, uncertainty and fear in the population and by dividing us in every possible way – race, sex, income, nationality.

While there is competition among various elite secret societies, multinational corporations, and banking cartels, there is a unity among them in that they’re all seeking to advance their power and diminish our freedoms.

They’ve got common objectives: the diminishment of our freedoms and our power and our voice. Psychodramas [events meant to traumatize us] are just one tool in their tool bag to accomplish their goals. It leaves us feeling powerless, because we see something that we know is orchestrated in a way that we don’t understand, and we see it happening repeatedly. Most people are left feeling that something is terribly wrong. They can never put their finger on it, which just creates more uncertainty and fear, which makes everyone more manipulable.

Kris: Western Civilization, coming from Europe, we had all these tribes conquering other tribes and destroy that culture until we really didn’t have much natural tribal culture left. We had this march of history of people wanting to govern themselves, breaking free of quote-unquote control by popes and kings and starting this experiment here in the United States of America. We talked with Anton Chaitkin the other day about the people who were working against the Constitution even before the ink was dry.

So, we have a real mess here, trying to understand what is real and what is not. We have all these agendas of the secrets societies, of corporations, of people just trying to make money, of different religious agendas, [of sovereign nations], and you put on top these psychodramas, that seem to be perpetrated by the secret societies, like the Kennedy assassination and 9/11, and once people wake up to this, they want to ascribe every kind of crisis to some sort of psychodrama [or conspiracy theory], and I just find it very, very interesting and perplexing.

Bain: It’s about the relation of events, proximity, timing and geography. It’s not a simple language. There are some straightforward things to look for. [Many] people are cued into the use of the number 33 and other major symbols. That’s akin to learning some of the basic words of a language that is very sophisticated. In some instances, they constitute a giant magical working or spell.
