The Journey 27. Don Jeffries: Reforms and A Paradigm Shift

Don Jeffries, author (“Bullyocracy: How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule Schools, Work Places and Society at Large”), talk-show host and critic (of politics, business, and culture), and Kris Millegan (TrineDay publisher) discuss reforms and a paradigm shift.

D: The way things are going, our kids will have a lower standard of living than us.  Our leaders want us to have lower expectations.  We’re going to end up like the Chinese.  I think ultimately they’d like to have us living in bunk beds, like some of the Chinese, and paying us $8 a day or whatever.

K: Now is the time to demand the truth, hold our government’s feet to the fire, and push them into something they didn’t even know they could be, for our children and the world they will grow up in.

D: There are tons of reforms that are needed.  Infrastructure hasn’t been touched since the Eisenhower years.  Everything’s falling apart.  Our woefully outdated power grids go down with a strong wind.

K: I say, get rid off the grid.  There’s a little box that could give us all the power we need.

D: That’s right.  Suppressed energy technology.  That’s why Tesla’s records were stolen, by Donald Trump’s uncle, sent by the government, by the way.  Tesla could have provided free energy for all.

K: I’m very hopeful.  With the technology we’ve got, the information that’s getting out there, I think good things are going to happen, through talking, through dialogue.  There is a worldwide conversation happening.  And there has been a lot of change.  And more can happen.  This pandemic has shown the perfidy of our healthcare system, and the perfidy of what money is.  With education over the internet and through dialogue, honest change can happen.  The book “Generations: The History of America’s Future” by Strauss and Howe, says after a certain number of cycles, you have a paradigm shift, and those who had the biggest power before the shift, after it, they aren’t in power anymore.   And that’s where we’re at right now.  The information is out there for a better world.  We do not have to live in this [expletive deleted].
