THE JOURNEY (podcast) 21. – Dr. Juliette Engel – Mind Control in Very High Places (Tearing America Apart)

Dr. Juliette Engel discusses Sparky: Surviving Sex Magick (her childhood in the CIA’s “Monarch” mind control program) and the programmed people in high places who are destroying our country.

Juliette was sold by her parents into the Sex Magick cult run by the CIA.  They moved a lot.  She was given different names (and adopted different characters).  Every place had a Dr. Green, a Dr. White, and a Nanny Black (different people, but the same names) inflicting the “training.”

Mind-control is basically trauma.  It harms people in ways that cause a karmic, spiritual situation.  Disassociation can happen (people form alternate personalities in order to survive).  The dissociative (safe) world in Juliette’s mind became more real than the real world.  She literally escaped at 17 and only remembered her childhood years later when her daughter was born.  It took years to recover, year to heal, to realize what happened, and to realize she was not crazy.

There is often multi-generational participation/abuse.  (Many of Juliette’s family members were involved at Nuremberg as translators and probably helped Nazis settle in the US as part of Operation Paperclip.)

Part of MK Ultra (especially sexual abuse that starts early) effects IQ and can make people smarter (cunning) so they can survive.  But most MK Ultra survivors probably end up killing themselves.

The Soviet Union also took Nazis after the war and did mind control on thousands of children of dissidents in political prisons.  The children grew up and formed gangs.  The worst Mafia groups in Russia and around the world came out of that programming.  (Seven of the 8 original oligarchs who rose to power after the collapse of the Soviet Union were picked out orphanages and put through the mind control program.  They became the fiercest, cruelest, most aggressive and easily manipulated people.  Yeltsin absolutely was one of these, and Putin also may came out of that programming.)

People have to know this happens, because many in high positions today are victims of these programs – and may not even know it – heir memories are blocked.  They have great privilege yet seemed determined to tear this country apart.

Ted Gunderson went through MK Ultra as a child.  He was FBI.  You can track this through football, the army, the air force – where people are trained to work together.  Omaha, Nebraska, is a well of mind-control.  Gerald Ford came from there.  He was in the mind control program through football (at Michigan and then Yale).  Many don’t realize how this has affected our lives, our country, our history.  Many go through the program and their lives are destroyed.  Many victims have blanks in their memories.  (They should pursue the truth of what happened to them only in a careful and controlled way).

There are others who are blocked who are constantly rewarded with very high positions – and we cannot trust them at all.  “I hope to bring some of those to awareness.”  It’s a thorny problem.  They are constantly rewarded for doing what they’ve been programmed to do.  They might like to step away but they are afraid.  They are the big threats to us right now.  They are very dangerous.

Society needs to know this has happened.  We can’t move forward like this.  It’s a doom machine.  It makes us vulnerable.  It has to be dealt with.  We will not be able to organize this country in a way that’s human oriented until we remove this cancer.  It must be done bit by bit, through a psychic process.

The whole concept of sex magic is something you implant in other people.  It’s mind control.  You have to break the spell of magic on the television and in stories.  The prince of darkness – he casts a spell of magic.  Let’s break the spell.
