TrineDay’s The Journey, 18. Blair Alan Gadsby – Religious Delusions American Style: Manipulations of the Public’s Mind

Blair Alan Gadsby (Religious Delusions American Style: Manipulations of the Public’s Mind) – how political elites use our religious beliefs against us.  “End times” Christianity and Biblical literalism were given us by intelligence.  (If you can make people believe the world is 6,000 years old, and God wants Israel where it is – damn the Palestinians – you can make them believe anything.)  This is a defense of religions.  Religions have been blamed for government shenanigans.

The Jonestown “massacre” was likely a CIA mind-control experiment the agency could have stopped after the first 180 dead.  (About 900 died.)  Bodies were dragged into position.  They didn’t suicide where they were found.  The Reverend Jim Jones lived like a king in Brazil, close to Joseph Mengele, notorious fugitive Nazi.  We have these secret societies.  The basic one is Skull and Bones, based out of Germany.  Academic religious studies are AWOL.  They’re on the take from the Pentagon.  The Pentagon blows something up and gives money to a university and says, go study those who don’t like what just happened.  In Waco: The Rules of Engagement (documentary) – you see the drone footage of the military assassinating the people in the Branch Davidians compound.  They were torched by the FBI, with tanks.  Same thing in Oklahoma.  We’re told a fertilizer bomb did it.  But there were steel beams cut inside the building.

9/11 woke Blair up.  The documentary “Loose Change.”  In 2008 Blair went on a hunger strike for 9/11 truth in front of John McCain’s office in Phoenix.  Hundreds rallied.  He shrunk to 124 pounds.  Local media ignored him.  Intelligence infiltrated 9/11 truth to make it preposterous with disinformation (“the planes were animations”).  We can find real knowledge.  It takes work in this time of fake news.  We must hold to the fire the feet of our representatives.  We must tell the truth, and keep discussing it and talking about it.
