TrineDay’s The Journey, 16. Vince Palamara – Secret Service Expert, JFK Author

Vince talks about his 2021 book, “Honest Answers about the Murder of President John F. Kennedy: A New Look at the JFK Assassination.”  Over the years, Vince has unearthed many truths about the Kennedy assassination – agent Gerald Behn told Vince that JFK did NOT banish agents off the limo.  So did Don Lawton, the agent ordered NOT to get on the limo as it left Love Field in Dallas (footage Vince discovered).  Vince broke the story of Thomas Shipman, JFK’s driver, who supposedly died of a heart attack one month before Dallas.  Was Shipman murdered, because he was incorruptible and perhaps in the way of the plot?  He was quickly buried without an autopsy or toxicology test.  His family was shocked; he was fit as a fiddle.

Publisher Kris Millegan’s dad was branch chief head of East Asia analysis for the CIA (before a power struggle with the infamous Ed Lansdale).  The plots against JFK in Miami and Chicago were “shake-down cruises,” to expose vulnerabilities before “success” in Dallas.  Vince writes “tight” books about the Secret Service and JFK.  Earlier books include “Survivor’s Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy,” and “JFK, From Parkland to Bethesda: The Ultimate JFK Assassination Compendium.”  His media appearances include A COUP IN CAMELOT, THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY, and C-SPAN (agents Clint Hill & Gerald Blaine’s 2010 appearance, Clint Hill’s 2012 appearance).
