How “they” control us …

It is a Leviathan consisting of three levels, each with three parts. The top level is Mining, Metal and Money, and it makes sense once you think about it. If you control the mining, whence the metal comes that our money is based on, you might be in a very good position. TrineDay published an author, who could effect that level, in 2016. He was dead within a week of receiving his book. Run over by a hit-and-run lorry on the streets of London. The author Stephen Herrick Requa was no lightweight, his attorney was Dr. William Pepper, defender of Martin Luther King. More on Requa in an upcoming post.

The middle level, Drugs, Guns and Oil is a very active level. Often, war is used, almost like urban renewal. The drug prohibitions of today have nothing do with our health, community or children, they have to do with keeping plants in a blackmarket where they can be sold for multiples of what they are worth, and other “perks.” Such as demonizing populations, profiting from incarcerations, blackmail opportunities and of course the largest slush fund in the world. Which gives huge influence to forces in the shadows. More on this aspect in upcoming posts.

Guns/Warfare materials — what can you say, create strife and profitable. And if they can get some folks fighting each other they laugh all the way to the bank. We will be doing more posts on this aspect also.

Oil — The only reason we go to the oil store is because they own it. There are many ways of producing energy. They are milking it for all they can get. More on this later, and these are the same folks that run Big Pharma.

The third level and where this beast hits the road is Media, Movies/Music and “Magic.” I believe that we the people can turn the bottom level on its head and have a better world to live in for us, our children and theirs.

Media — They have to control the media, and have been ratcheting up their control for years. From Wikipedia: In 1984, fifty independent media companies owned the majority of media interests within the United States. As of 2019, 90% of the United States’s media is controlled by four media conglomerates: Comcast (via NBCUniversal), Disney, ViacomCBS (controlled by National Amusements), and AT&T (via WarnerMedia).

Movies /Music — They need to control the culture as much as they can, or it comes back and bites them. Much more on this later. Folks from Hollywood have tried many, many times to make movies out of some of TrineDay’s books but they have been stopped every time.

“Magic” — The ability to hoodwink us, to make us think something else is going on, and their propensity to use mass trauma to keep us in line. Put the country in shock, tear down the archetypes and then build them back up again … in their image. The JFK Assassination and 9/11 were at their core psychological warfare hits against the United States of America, its people and its future.

Albert Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” and I also believe that we need to understand our problems before we can tackle them.

