TrineDay’s THE JOURNEY – 15. Christopher Fulton – JFK Evidence (Jailed For Knowing the Truth)

Christopher Fulton (THE INHERITANCE: POISONED FRUIT OF JFK’S ASSASSINATION, amazon, trineday .com) received key evidence in JFK’s death that exposed the government’s lies and LBJ’s complicity – crossed paths with President Reagan, Donald Trump, and the Justice Department – made a pact with JFK Jr. about the disposition of that evidence – and was jailed by the federal government, to shut him up.  JFK Jr. was going to run for office, to save us from the terrible agenda subverting democracy and erasing our rights since 9/11.  The CIA uses dark money to operate worldwide with no oversight by we the people or Congress.  Kris Millegan says, “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.  We can rise above the false narratives and psychological warfare that divide us … Books change people’s lives all the time.  People need the right information, so we can know where we’ve been, so we can get to where we need to be.  Without honest elections, we can’t be a democratic republic.”
