What are Secret Societies?

What are Secret Societies? A basic definition: an organization, as a fraternal society, the members of which take secret initiation oaths, share secret passwords and rites, and are bound to assist each other.

There are many types of and uses for secret societies. I am going to focus on the “Elite Secret Societies” (composed of high-income or socially influential people), that have political aims. So much so, that they have been made illegal in several countries, such as Italy and Poland.

Current groups have antecedents. Very early on, priests understood that if they could make a puff of smoke to appear or some such mystic legerdemain, folks would bring them food, furs and even their children and maidens to do with as they wished. Another grouping I call pirates, if you were a sea based “power,” you could gather knowledge and then use that “secret” knowledge against the landlubbers – even using it to “lord” over them. Overtime they become “royals” and/or “criminal gangs” using their secrecy and hidden “power” to control events in their favor. We see vestiges of this in our modern “mafias” that have “codes of secrecy” (omerta).

These priests and pirates may compete, collude or even unite; and ebb and flow through history, but have remained a major behind-the-scene’s power structure. Not just in the West, but the whole world.

A secret society’s main goal is to stay in existence, in power and “in control” – control of events and history. Our children’s future being one of their main concerns.

Some claim a continuity all the way back to Babylon, Egypt and Atlantis. I cannot confirm but can trace some activities of their “modern” script starting in the 16th century. Yes, there are the Knights Templar, Rex Deus and other earlier groups, but I am looking at later times. The main link to the earlier times is the blueblood claim, some ideology, and genealogy, but then usurpers tend to create their own “links.” And why do the bluebloods think they are blue? Because it is their “secret” way of saying that they are of the House of David – related to Jesus, so everyone should bow down and let them rule….

So, what is the script? Control. Control of us. Their main obstacle has been the march of history towards justice, and our collective attempts to gather together in political units that are not under hierarchal/feudal control. “They” lay down tracks for several different lines, currently the main one is to “rule the world through China.” Their mode of control has been a “Leviathan” of three levels with three parts to each. This monstrosity has a need to morph as we are entering, by many measures, into a new paradigm, (Age of Aquarius). The old ways are not sustainable.

The current model of Mining-Metal-Money, Drugs-Guns-Oil, Media-Movies/Music-“Magic” is changing. The top level is being threaten with block-chain technology, the middle level is losing its cash-cows, and the bottom level is close to being co-opted by social and media-production technology.

All they have is “virtual control,” through electronic ledger blips and sophisticated electronic psychological warfare “blips.” The raw power that they “control,” is farmed out. They do not flip the switches, they hire us to do it for them. We can realize our future and control our destiny…

There are secret societies all over the globe. And all generally work the same way. Secret societies are structed like a pyramid. You have a large group at the bottom, in Masonry, they call them “porch brethren,” useful for favors and getting things done, then you have an administrative cadre, because someone has to turn off-and-on the lights and keep records, then you have a core group, which are generally built around a bloodline. S&B is the Cabot family.

Secret societies work by “taking notes,” sussing out social and economic dynamics, gathering information, controlling markets and war. In S&B you do not ask to join. You are “tapped.” They watch you for three years. They have a good idea of who they are getting and how a person may be used. You have legacy members, and then they will tap popular scholars and athletes, then invite them to parties and introduce them to their sisters.

S&B forged deep links to Chinese secret societies with trade, opium being a major item, in the 1800s. Mao worked for “Yale-in-China” in his formative years.

By keeping parts of the world “off the market” by declaring them communist, it allows groups to consolidate their power.

Script so far – big target is American republic. After the second Opium War (1858-60), opium becomes legal. Takes a little while, but soon loses its smuggler’s premium. US Civil War.
Targeting of the “Civic generation,”: people who are teens and pre-teens in the 1860s. The generation doesn’t cohere The four generational cohorts are Adaptive, Idealistic, Reactive and Civic. (For more info: Generations: The History Of America’s Future, 1584 To 2069 By William Strauss & Neil Howe.)

We as a country lost our civics generation, so that when those kids grew up, the US was like a four-stroke engine running on only three. Our civic heritage bulwark became deficient, and unable to stand-up to the machinations from the shadows. America became an empire through lies and deceit. Yellow-journalism, and a false-flag, (Remember the Maine!) brought the Philippines under US control and S&B member and son of a founder, William H. Taft soon declared opium illegal in modern Asia, and started the Shanghai and The Hauge conferences that brought about our contemporary prohibitions. These prohibitions have nothing to do with our health, our communities, or our children, but with a lucrative black-market.

Without a civics backbone, the shadows were able to do much damage to our country, unsovereign debt money, 16th Amendment and WAR. Every twenty years, every generation, what did your daddy do in the war?

They tried again to affect a generation, The kids who were teens and pre-teens of the 1960s. The “boomers” were the “idealistic” part of their four-part cohort grouping. First, they turn our republic into an empire now they wish to continue the corruption of our ideals of humanity.
Boomers were presented with a controlled education system (“Prussian”), a technological method of mind-control (TV) and … drugs. There had been a long campaign to build up a “highway-to-heroin,” declaring marijuana to be a gateway drug. To make a long story short Boomers did come together as a “hippies,” around a joint smoked around a circle with a little bit of LSD thrown in. Out of the hippies came the personal computer and the Internet, and those are the tools that “we the people” are using to fight the secret societies’ corruptions – using secrecy to lie, cheat and steal.

The secret societal system is above our sovereign countries. According to a book we published The Nebula by Walter Baeyens, based on a Belgian State Police report, at the top of this pyramid are several affiliated groups called “The Order.” There is a Jewish group, Catholic group, Muslim group, an oriental group, gay group, etc. They influence sovereign countries in geo-political “games,” using the Hegelian dialectic of thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis. Part of their long play was in 1974 sending S&B GHW Bush to China and his S&B brother Prescott Jr. to Shanghai to hand out the money to build all the factories, while he served as chairman of the United States-China Chamber of Commerce,.

Secret societies are multi-generational, and have relationships to other multi-generational groupings, i.e.: pedophilia, occult organizations, and royal lines. And have used traumatic public rituals to advance their agenda, Such as the JFK assassination and 9/11.

“They” are going to try and stay in control, to do that they have to “steamroll” some of the controlling lies, such as the JFK assassination, 9/11 and drug prohibitions work. Those are control points, and if WE accept those – we accept their rule…

People around the world need to understand the controlled geo-politics and psychological warfare. By understanding we can rise above and create a better world.
