The Journey 25. Douglas Caddy: Nixon was Right (and Brought Down)

Douglas Caddy (attorney for E. Howard Hunt, who was involved in JFK’s assassination and Watergate) discusses his books (“Watergate Exposed: How the President of the United States and the Watergate Burglars Were Set Up,” and “Being There: Eyewitness to History”) with Kris Millegan (TrineDay publisher).

Nixon was set up because of his (“Huston”) plan to bypass the intelligence agencies and do unsavory things.  He felt he couldn’t trust the agencies.  He didn’t think they could defend our country if we had a crisis with the Soviet Union.  Their reports merely glorified themselves.  They (the CIA, the NSA, and military intelligence) engineered his downfall in order to protect their turf.  (Doug: Nixon was right.  These agencies are not doing what they’re supposed to be doing.)

Robert Merritt (confidential informant to the FBI and DC police) told his attorney, David Isbell, that military intelligence knew about the Watergate break-in 2 and a half weeks in advance.  Carl Shoffler and Bob Woodward went to the NSA spy school together.  Shoffler then worked for the police department and Woodward worked for The Washington Post.  Both played key roles in bringing Nixon down.  (Kris: Nixon got his start by blackmailing the Dulles brothers.  There’s always an interesting relationship between a blackmailer and a blackmailee.  The blackmailer often gets paranoid.)

Doug represented Billie Sol Estes as he tried to reveal what he knew about JFK’s assassination and the killings that LBJ was deeply involved in.  Billie Sol was Lyndon Johnson’s bagman.

Doug got to know Roger Stone while working with the National Conservative Political Action Committee in the 1970s.  Doug believes Stone helped create a back channel to Moscow for people helping candidate Trump in January 2016.  Doug wrote FBI director James Comey and special prosecutor Robert Mueller about that.  Sooner or later, Stone may be forced to tell what he knows.

When Doug was in high school he worked with Guy Banister, assistant superintendent of the New Orleans police department at the time (2 blocks away from where Lee Harvey Oswald lived with his mother).  Doug organized young conservatives in the 1950s, inspiring the movement that propelled Senator Barry Goldwater to the Republican nomination in 1964.  The conservative philosophy was vastly different then.  Goldwater is misunderstood.  He was very open-minded.  The conservative movement went off the rails in the 1970s because Nixon was forced to resign.  The Republican Party today is almost a cult, a very dangerous cult.  Doug, convinced that Trump has been controlled by Putin, fears foreign destabilization of the United States will continue despite Trump leaving office.

Doug: “I want to thank TrineDay.  I’m very proud to be among the [authors] you offer to the public.  You’re doing a fantastic job of informing people of what’s really going on.”
