The Journey 155. Wayne Madsen: JFK Jr.’s Plans
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with investigative journalist, columnist and author Wayne Madsen about many things, including what John F. Kennedy Jr’s flight instructor told Wayne years after Kennedy’s death: that John was an excellent pilot; his 1999 plane crash was no accident; and he was going to hire Wayne and others to develop evidence he had acquired to find his father’s killers.
Wayne believes JFK Jr. was going to run for the Senate in 2000 and in a second term become president in 2008.
Wayne’s latest book, A PARADE OF NEW SOVEREIGNTIES: A Post-Hegemonic World, is about the 1848 rules for who and what constitutes a nation and the new lineup of nations today that have been repressed by the powers in London, Paris, Moscow, Beijing, Delhi, and Washington, DC.

Also discussed:
The 2024 American election and polls as unreliable as those in 1939-40 that were influenced by Nazi-sympathizing Americans.
New TrineDay books that show how Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union collaborated on bioweapons and deployed propaganda used against the world today (BATTLESPACE OF MIND and THE SLEEPER AGENT).
The meme warfare designed to poison Americans against our government. For instance, the one that says, “No one died fighting for my freedom. They died to expand empire.” Most people in government are not bad people.
The CIA has done bad things. But the agencies are not evil incarnate. (But Michael Flynn makes Dr. Strangelove look like a raving liberal, says Wayne, who is concerned about Russian infiltration of our government and foreign influence on people around Trump.)
A government of the people, by the people and for the people is not wanted by some powerful interests. Some people were working against the Constitution before the ink was dry. And mountains of money from the sale of illegal drugs lets many groups meddle in the politics of many nations.
Wayne warns us to watch Russia apparently threatening to extend its maritime boundary in the Baltics, into Estonia, Finland, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Sweden, the newest member of NATO.
Wayne’s TrineDay books are OVERTHROW A FASCIST REGIME ON $15 A DAY: The Internet Irregulars vs. The Powers That Be, and JADED TASKS: Brass Plates, Black Ops, and Big Oil, The Blood Politics of George Bush & Company.
His other books are THE RISE OF THE FASCIST FOURTH REICH: The Era of Trumpism and the New Far Right, A WOKE COLORING BOOK: Re-adding Color to a Whitewashed History, and TWO MICE THAT ROARED: The Conch Republic of the Florida Keys and Anguilla.
Decades of his investigative reporting can be found at his site,