The Journey 133. John Loftus: THE SLEEPER AGENT, Biological Warfare, Allen Dulles, and His Nazi-Funding Wall Street Clients
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with John Loftus, a former government intelligence officer, investigator, and prosecutor who had security clearances many levels above Top-Secret, about THE SLEEPER AGENT: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare by A. W. Finnegan, and about Allen Dulles’ Wall Street clients who funded Nazi Germany, how Dulles smuggled Nazis into America after World War 2, how Nixon blackmailed Dulles for political help in exchange for keeping his Nazi smuggling quiet, and how Dulles foisted Richard Nixon on Eisenhower in 1952. (See John’s book, AMERICA’S NAZI SECRET.)

John: It’s great that THE SLEEPER AGENT is finally coming out. [Author A. W. Finnegan] spent four years of his life [trying to get records on Lyme Disease declassified and working on the book]. I think it’s absolutely brilliant research the world has never seen [proving the involvement of Nazis and Russians] and all this crazy stuff.
Kris: Not many have had your security clearances and have been able to see behind the scenes. We as people are having all kinds of different agendas sent to us, right, left and center.
I want you to talk a little bit about sovereign countries. Because a lot of people are mad at our government and thinks it’s evil.
Governments aren’t evil. It’s what people do with them. They’re just a thing just like any other thing.
John: And most governments in the world are smaller than American multi-national corporations. We have corporations that have much more power than any one European government. And they have had their own intelligence operations, funded their own wars. [And] just because a multi-national corporation is headquartered in America doesn’t mean it’s an American corporation. These guys are only loyal to profit.
Kris: Try and explain the craziness of what is out there and how many agendas are propagandizing the American people.
John: It’s absolutely amazing. My favorite people to pick on were the Wall Street crowd before World War Two [who] heavily invested in Bolshevik Russia, which was illegal, and in Nazi Germany, which was heavily condemned but not outright illegal, and heavily invested in what became the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
They wanted to find places where they could have monopolies, trusts and cartels in a legal way. Germany offered them that. Russia offered them that. And the Saudis offered them that.
In America, we had Teddy Roosevelt pass all this anti-trust legislation, which was driving the monopolists out of the U.S. So, they went to find foreign bases where they could operate legally.
One of the causes of the Great Depression was that a lot of Wall Street investment money was sucked out of Wall Street and poured into what became Nazi Germany, the Islamist radicals in the Middle East, and the Bolsheviks who became the communist party of Russia, the Soviet Union.
Kris: Adam traces in THE SLEEPER AGENT how the biological warfare between quote-unquote the “Great Powers” became a real…
John: The British mastered biological warfare back in the 1700s and the 1800s. And during World War One, what’s now known as the Spanish Flu of 1918 actually began in Fort Riley, Kansas, and the virus was started, apparently, by a vaccine that was created to stop meningitis. And the soldiers were spreading this terrible new illness along the railroad tracks as they headed to the ports of embarkation [to go to Europe].
So, the U.S. Government actually censored from the press any mention that the soldiers were spreading a deadly “flu.” They told them they could face the new Espionage Act. They could go to prison if they reported the truth, that the soldiers were spreading a new illness.
And when the soldiers arrived in France, the illness had mutated once again on the ships going overseas and it became even more deadly. The Russians and Germans had the most causalities from it, because they were in the worst health, and they blamed the Americans and the British for what they thought was a new form of biological warfare.
Lenin’s older brother died from it. Putin’s grandfather’s brother died from it. [So] the Russians began a gigantic program in biological weapons in the 1920s and they succeeded amazingly.
At the end of World War Two, the Nazi scientists who had helped the Russians develop [some later bioweapons] actually went to the British. One Nazi war criminal was sprung from East Germany by the KGB agents inside British Intelligence [who] shipped him to America under our OPERATION PAPERCLIP.
If we thought we were getting nice scientists … the British agents were screening them, not for us, but for the Kremlin. [Some of the Nazis we got] were given their own island off the coast of Connecticut, Plum Island. The Nazi scientists decided to find a way to infect the ticks with various diseases.
They found a way to infect the ticks with a way to suppress our immune systems. All of a sudden, Americans got cancer at alarming rates, like nowhere else in the world. We had things like myasthenia gravis [a chronic autoimmune, neuromuscular disease that causes weakness in the skeletal muscles], and Guillain-Barré syndrome [a rare condition in which a person’s immune system attacks the peripheral nerves]. Things that people hadn’t really heard of [because] they were so rare.
[Now] dozens of different illnesses were attacking the human body. The weapon was not to kill people outright, but to make them so sick they couldn’t work, they couldn’t fight. It was designed, according to Russian defectors, to attack the Chinese and then the American economy.
It bears a startling resemblance to what we would call Covid-19.