2021: Time’s Up
By S. K. Bain, Investigative Researcher and Author, February 14, 2021, themostdangerousblogintheworld.wordpress.com
The truth will not only set you free—now, the truth itself is free. Or, rather, just as freedom is not free, neither is the truth, but it’s being provided here to you at no charge.
Why? Because this is The End. The year 2021 is the end of the current Great Age. Don’t know what that is? Don’t worry, I explain all that, but just know that it’s a long time—approximately 26,000 years in duration.
As anyone who has been paying even the least little bit of attention can clearly see, the Global Elite are going for broke, implementing their end game at breakneck speed in a mad rush to usher in their long-planned, full-blown New World Order. COVID19 is merely the spark that has ignited the engine of a global techno-fascist tyranny—and it has nowhere near reached full throttle.
Why now? Why is this happening at this particular moment in history? I explain why in my third and fourth books, both published by TrineDay: Black Jack: The Dawning of the New Great Age of Satan (2019), and, 2022 and the Coming of God: THE END…Is Only the Beginning (2020).
TrineDay is providing access here at no charge to the full-color .pdf versions of both books to help spread this vital information as broadly as possible because time is running out: the last days of the old Great Age are quickly passing as we hurdle headlong towards 2022 and the official start of the new Great Age.
Clicking on the book titles above will automatically download the .pdfs of the books (11.4 MB and 2.5 MB, respectively), but they’re not entirely free. If you download and read them, and you truly comprehend what they represent—a compelling, convincing last-minute warning—you have a responsibility, one might argue, to share this information with others.
This is not about selling books, it’s about sharing the truth. However, if you want to support our work, buy the e-book or print version for yourself or as a gift at TrineDay.com, Amazon.com or other online and brick-and-mortar booksellers.
(Note: Before reading, I’d recommend scrolling through the .pdfs in two-page format just to see the spreads — TrineDay did a spectacular job on the layout and design.)