The Journey 26. Don Jeffries: Fascism and Fake News

Don Jeffries (“Bullyocracy: How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule Schools, Work Places and Society at Large”) and Kris Millegan (TrineDay publisher) on Mark Lane, fascism, Donald Trump, the January-6 Capitol incident, divide-and-conquer tactics used by Skull and Bones, and “kooks, spooks and egos” in the JFK research community.

Don studied the JFK assassination as a volunteer with Mark Lane’s “Citizens Committee of Inquiry” in the 1970s.  Don gets attacked from both sides.  He’s an equal-opportunity offender, a civil libertarian (one who fights hardest for the speech he disagrees with, a la Patrick Henry).

Don: Our ruling class has been fascist for a long time.  Concerned how the Capitol incident will be used like 9/11 to crush dissent and civil liberties.  It’s already happening.  A musician tweeted about Trump’s speech at the Capitol.  His record company yanked his contract.  I try to speak for common sense.  We’re at a point where we could tip over into genuine fascism, easily.

Kris: we get played a lot.  There’s real strong fascism at work.  When you look at the Kennedy assassination, you find ducks put in a row before Kennedy was even elected.  Secret societies have been undermining the body politic since the start of the nation.  They do not like a government of, by and for the people.  At the Capitol, you saw military people in Kevlar helmets going inside.  How many could have been foreign agents with direct objectives?

Don refers to the Trumpenstein Project.  Trump was created to be a divisive force in politics.  It explains the hatred and worship that surrounds him (Trump Derangement Syndrome and Trump Enablement Syndrome).  All sides accuse each other of being fake news (Trump’s greatest legacy to us).

Kris: Books are amazing things.  They just sit there until somebody picks them up.  Books have changed people’s lives over and over again.

Don: There’s nobody you can trust.  There’s not a single independent source in our horrible media that everybody would say “Yeah, we’ll listen to what they say.”  And there are a lot of trolls out there.

Kris: The JFK research community has many “kooks, spooks, and egos.”  Would you like to, on November 22 – I’m throwing this around – go to the Justice Department, and demand the truth?
