TrineDay’s The Journey 170. John Klyczek: Riding the Back of the Technology Tiger
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks – here – with John Klyczek, author of SCHOOL WORLD ORDER: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education, available at and the usual sellers. John’s scholarship focuses on the history of global eugenics and Aldous Huxley’s dystopic novel, Brave New World. Learn more about his work at

Summary and paraphrasing:
Horribly, in school, technology is constantly data mining our children’s work for the purposes of social engineering and psychological profiling.
John Taylor Gatto was the author of DUMBING US DOWN: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling, and THE UNDERGROUND HISTORY OF AMERICAN EDUCATION: A Schoolteacher’s Intimate Investigation into the Problem of Modern Schooling. He showed how school hamstrings the natural curiosity of children, the bad effects of the corporatization of education, and how generations have been dumbed down intentionally.
Reading moved from phonics, where letters signify sounds, to a look-and-say/pictographic basis, while emphasis on grammar was abandoned, causing a decline in literacy. “It’s criminal that we’re not teaching logic, rhetoric, etc.”
Barbara Marx Hubbard (“American futurist, author, and public speaker” -Wikipedia) is discussed, particularly her ideas of conscious evolution, which support the drive toward transhumanism, the merger of man with machines/digital components.
Foreseeable is something of a digital/cybernetic slavery, a la Orwell’s 1984, where mere compliance isn’t the goal. They want us to love our condition; to make us believe we are evolving and improving and doing our part for the greater good.
And yet, Kris is quite hopeful. Technology is not all bad. The internet and the personal computer let us communicate and create in ways inconceivable not long ago, and people are mostly good.