The Journey 114. Whitney Webb: The Controlled Demolition of the Unipolar World
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Whitney Webb about her book, ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence And Organized Crime That Gave Rise To Jeffrey Epstein, the hidden scandals inside “Chinagate,” and the people who want to model the world on, and rule it, through China.

Kris: Your book, ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL, is selling like hotcakes. It’s been a joy working with you.
It amazes me how J. Orlin Grabbe has disappeared from the internet. He was a Wharton professor. He was the first guy to write a book about derivatives. Because of the brouhaha he created on the internet, he ended up with Leslie Stahl on 60 MINUTES [discussing] allegations of banking [crimes]. And he drops with Charles Hayes and James Norman some amazing information about Systematics getting all these contracts to run all the banking [something], and not just here but in China and all kinds of places.
And then [he conveys], “Well, when the banks talk to each other at night, they’re actually laundering some money” and other things like this. For that just to drop out of the internet and go away… it takes quite some forensic stuff to find his stuff again.

Whitney: Those are key pieces to understanding the situation around Vince Foster’s death and some of the bigger scandals of the earlier Clinton years, which of course have sort of been forgotten, and the continuity of those scandals from things that took place in the 1980s, which are also in ONE NATION.
The narratives about [what Orlin, Charles Hayes and James Norman revealed] are almost analogous to the narratives that are still in use today in favor of censoring any non-official opinions from the internet and the “dangers of allowing” uncensored speech to be online.
Kris: I’ve been looking at this a long time and one thing I find is that the Clintons are basically lieutenants in this bigger crime family.
Whitney: …which spans both parties.
Kris: Again, it’s obvious that blackmail has been used so people can get their way.
Whitney: I focused to an extent on blackmail but this particular network that has used it has been involved in so many other things, it’s hard to focus on just the blackmail because you’re missing the bigger picture of the criminality that blackmail has enabled. Blackmail is part of the methodology used to protect rackets more often than not by compromising law enforcement, politicians, and others.
Kris: The other thing I really like that you brought out in the book is how they use bankruptcy.
Whitney: Yeah, pump-and-dumps. And those same patterns are still in use today.
Kris: I worked with Linda Minor who’s a courthouse basement lawyer, as I call her, to find out who really owns things. And we figured out that it’s accounts receivable. Because they’ll even bust out their own company, because then they just buy it back for just pennies on the dollar.
Whitney: The stuff that surprised me the most was the tech transfers to ostensible adversary states of the U.S., mainly Russia and China. It’s definitely a recurring theme.
The group I focused on, the way they justified their actions was because it was necessary to stop communism. But they sent technology they shouldn’t have to the Soviet Union, and then in the ‘90s to China and going to great lengths to undermine U.S. national security at the same time they used national security as the excuse to justify their lack of transparency and their failure of accountability for crimes committed and all sorts of things.
It’s important to expose how these people have no sense of national allegiance at all and all their claims to have that are just complete garbage.
Chinagate is really a misnomer. It’s really a much bigger scandal. But it’s amazing how memory-holed that scandal has been, especially considering all the talk, particularly in right-wing media, about China that’s largely negative.
You would think they would look back on these scandals but they don’t. It was not properly investigated and it was basically memory-holed. Jeffrey Epstein and Leslie Wexner were a key part of what was going on. And what you have is not just China but China and Israel.
A year or two before it really began, you had CIA directors telling Congress that Israel is passing sensitive military technology, given by the U.S., to China before they had diplomatic relations, Israel and China. Consider the influence that Israel has over both parties in Congress. If they didn’t want that scandal to be properly investigated, they could easily influence both parties to not investigate it.
Think about the Republican Party today. Wouldn’t they love to talk about the time the Clintons sold out U.S. national security to China? But you never hear about this scandal because there was another party that doesn’t want any party to look into what happened there. That was one of the last chapters I wrote. It could be its own book.
Kris: My mentor, Antony Sutton, got himself in trouble looking at some of the same things [researching Western technology and its effect on Soviet technology] and published a book called NATIONAL SUICIDE.
A bunch of my posit has been how the secret societies reach down and manipulate the different parts of government, and they found out that you can’t really rule from your own roost because people attack it. So they try and rule from [elsewhere]. And my posit, for many years, is that they’re trying to quote-unquote rule the world through China.
David Bruce was the first American sent there after Nixon [began interacting with China]. Then they sent in George H. W. Bush. And his brother, Prescott Jr., who’s also a member of Skull and Bones, went to Shanghai and started passing out money. All those factories didn’t get built just because China has a lot of people.
Whitney: And now we’re in this phase of having the controlled demolition of the unipolar world that’s dominated by the West, mainly the U.S. empire, moving to the multi-polar world that’s dominated by the BRICS countries, including China and Russia. It seems that these networks have planned this for a long time.
Yes, the U.S. empire is bad and does bad things. But the people responsible for those crimes have been building up these other countries and are now about to hand it off. You see people like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum say that China is the model and we in the West need to promote the multi-polar world order. It seems like we’re being set up for a psy-op where we’re going to get the same [expletive deleted] but with different people at the top with the big seats at the table.
Kris: I’m a big fan of our American experiment of having people [self-govern].
Whitney: It’s nice when that happens.
Kris: What’s your hope for the future?
Whitney: That we’re not ruled by organized crime. That’s a good starting point.