Allegations regarding “Butch” Merritt, Watergate, Intelligence Agencies and “Crimson Rose,” Vol. I
The Dynamics of Sophistication – Part One
Written (and first posted) by Kris Millegan, March 14, 2011
The past is never dead: it is not even the past. William Faulkner
How does the world work? What is our true history? Who really runs the show? Does it matter? Exploring the many channels flowing under, around and through Watergate, reflections of these seeming eternal quandaries appear … while also giving us an appreciation for the tale – backed up by government documents –“Butch” Merritt tells.
Information was and still is Butch’s stock in trade. He is privy to actions that were not meant for public consumption, and by design his claims are easily dismissed. We will need to rigorously examine what he says, and delve into the whirlwinds around seminal events he witnessed and was a participant in. “Confidential informants” aren’t born, they are chosen. Gleaned from society’s underbelly, their lifestyle covers any tracks or threats … an inbred cloak of denial, disavow and disengagement. Time-hardened tactics, straight out of Spook School 101.

O how they cling and wrangle, some who claim
For preacher and monk the honored name!
For, quarreling, each to his view they cling.
Such folk see only one side of a thing
The tale of Watergate carries many aspects of the old Buddhist proverb about the elephant and the blind men. Need-to-know players with competing agendas hoodwinking the populace, the press … and each other.
When Merritt and Douglas Caddy brought their manuscript to TrineDay in 2010, I was well accustomed to receiving books from authors that were having trouble getting their work published: the reason for TrineDay’s existence.
During my first read of Watergate Exposed I could see that Merritt’s tale dredged up more questions than it answered, and then more puzzles were added with Merritt’s latest revelations about an alleged secret 400-page eyes-only CIA report named Crimson Rose, purported to be “liberated” by the US military.
Although a definitive picture of Watergate, like our metaphorical elephant, has been drawn and redrawn in many conflicting ways, confusing us about what it was all about, one conclusion cannot be argued: Watergate changed our political, social and journalistic landscapes.
There was a pregame show, some of it set in lands far, far away and much of it happening years before. Watergate was also a directed action: “We have a cancer within – close to the presidency, that’s growing … (1) we’re being blackmailed.” But ultimately, Watergate was all about endgame, at least that is my take.
Starting with the Ides of March 2011, until the official release date of Watergate Exposed on April 5, TrineDay will be posting daily research and commentary into the deep politics surrounding Watergate and Merritt’s revelations, exposing our hidden history and showing the relevance to today’s corruption.
Kris Millegan, March 14, 2011

to be continued …
Watergate Exposed is available at TrineDay, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, The Book Depository, and Books-a-Million.