The Journey 168. Richard Grove and John O’Dowd: The British State Has Poisoned the World through its Empire
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 168. Richard Grove and John O’Dowd: The British State Has Poisoned the World through its Empire
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Richard Grove, a conceptual artist and forensic historian who provides entrepreneur, executive and employee training through his University of Reason and its flagship course, AUTONOMY. His podcast can be found at
And Kris speaks with John O’Dowd, co-author with Jim Macgregor of TWO WORLD WARS AND HITLER: Who Was Responsible?, available in early 2025. John is a retired scientist who worked for the UK government and several universities as a research manager. He discovered how “the Money Power” controls academic research, paradigms and teaching content, particularly in economics, political science and history, and, increasingly, natural sciences and medicine.

Kris, Richard and John discuss alternative history, a la TRAGEDY AND HOPE, the 1966 textbook by Carrol Quigley, who was trained by a Rhodes scholar, and who, as a professor of foreign service at Georgetown University, trained Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton. There has been a lot of Rhodes scholar influence in America for a long time. So, who was Cecil Rhodes?
Rhodes, a Brit and a Freemason, was funded by Lord Rothschild to work in South Africa, where he took over the diamond field of a farmer named DeBeers. Rhodes made John Ruskin’s dream of the British Empire taking over the world his life’s work. A necessary step toward that goal was bringing America back into the Empire.
In his will Rhodes set up a scholarship at Oxford University to teach students from around the world this idea of British domination. This leads to the creation of World War I and how America was brought into the war and transformed into a military state.
Jim Macgregor and Gerry Docherty wrote HIDDEN HISTORY: The Secret Origins of the First World War. When their publisher wouldn’t publish the second volume, Kris Millegan of TrineDay did. It’s called PROLONGING THE AGONY: How the Anglo-American Establishment deliberately extended World War 1 by Three and a Half Years.
Quigley learned all this from a whistleblower and in 1948 wrote THE ANGLO-AMERICAN ESTABLISHMENT, which he instructed to be published after his death, so it came out in 1981. (It has the details of this plot to recapture America and conquer the world.) Quigley also studied the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) records for 18 years, then wrote TRAGEDY AND HOPE, which came out in 1966.

TRAGEDY AND HOPE 101 by Joseph Plummer is a tight summary of both Quigley books (TRAGEDY AND HOPE and THE ANGLO-AMERICAN ESTABLISHMENT). See Basically, the Brits are using America’s military as the property manager for what used to be the British Empire.

The British were in Afghanistan for over one hundred years for the opium and then they handed that off to the Americans. We pay tax dollars to have our military bases all around the world. We did not start as an empire, getting into other people’s business. We got seduced into excursions like the Spanish-American War, which led us to join the plan to dominate the world.
John O’Dowd: Economics as taught at universities and taken into politics and the business world is a myth. It’s designed to make money go from the bottom to the top, which is one of reasons we’re in the mess that we’re in. It makes sense on paper, but it doesn’t refer to anything in real life.
To really understand economics, you must read books like ECONOMISTS AND THE POWERFUL: Convenient Theories, Distorted Facts, Ample Rewards, and THE BUBBLE AND BEYOND: Fictitious Capital, Debt Inflation and Global Crisis by Michael Hudson.
Richard: Mainstream economics works backward. It doesn’t start with free market capitalism. It starts with slavery and black markets, and then Adam Smith and other East India Company people are added to put a shine and polish on the slavery.
John: And most of the British Cabinet, for instance, took politics, philosophy, and economics, PPE, at Oxford University. Oxford figures strongly in TWO WORLD WARS AND HITLER, because Oxford is the means by which the British and the powers-that-be control what’s taught in schools, what politicians know, what our newspapers know. And as it is for economics, so it is for history. That’s why Jim asked me to come in on the book.
And Quigley is a good primer for history. Because he tells you that the gold standard for history is the documents. But when you look for them, they aren’t there. Because they’re the record of a crime scene, in the case of the British Empire. So they destroy them. There are no documents. So you can’t understand what happened and why people are doing the things that they’re doing. Because they’ve destroyed the evidence.
Kris: One of the crimes is the control of central Asia, to prevent Germany and Russia from coming together and controlling the heartland [for they believe that whoever controls the heartland, controls the world].
Richard: That was “The Great Game,” and they were all grandchildren of Queen Victoria.
John: The British and Americans financed and fed both sides in World War 1. And Hitler was recruited by the secret services of the U.S. and Britain. A U.S. agent befriended Hitler and taught him how to behave in polite society [among other things].
Kris: The other crime is about our money. Our nation should be producing our money. We shouldn’t be getting it from some private bankers.
John: In the 1920s and 30s, Germany’s gold ended up in Wall Street and America’s paper built up the armaments for Germany. It was U.S. money that was funding the Nazi Party, that was funding its propaganda paper. It was funding the Brown Shirts. And all this money was used to build Hitler. Because what they needed Hitler to do was go to war with Russia.
Richard: Hitler’s book, MEIN KAMPF, was brought into English by Blanche Balfour Dugdale, the niece of Arthur Balfour of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 [which pledged to Lord Rothschild British support for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine]. Blanche and her husband, Edgar Dugdale, not only kind of funded and trained Hitler; they did public relations for him, because people wouldn’t have known about MEIN KAMPF if they didn’t bring it into English.
John said the U.S. is not a republic any longer. It’s a security state. Richard replied, “It’s a security oligarchy.” John: These people in Britain and then the banks stole the republic from you. And they use it to project force where need to protect their business interests. Nothing else.
Richard: The same way NATO uses Ukraine to mess with Russia.
John: And we’ve never had a democracy in the U.K. We’ve got a king. An unelected head of state. The last three prime ministers were unelected. We have feudalism. Jim Macgregor and I would like an independent Scotland. The majority of Scots want independence. It would be the end of the British state. The British state has poisoned the world through its empire.
Richard: James Corbett made a great documentary called THE WW1 CONSPIRACY [which can be found on his YouTube channel, Corbett Report Extras, three years ago].