REVIEW: “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones”
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“There is no denying the importance of “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones” by Antony Sutton. Breaking 170 years of secrecy, Sutton’s book takes readers on a fascinating journey into the heart of Yale’s mysterious society, the Order of the Skull and Bones.

“The book offers a behind-the-scenes look at the order and its prominent members, including Tafts, Rockefellers, Pillsburys, and Bushes. Sutton explores how Skull and Bones initiates have become senators, judges, cabinet secretaries, spies, titans of finance and industry, and even U.S. presidents, such as George W. Bush. In addition, the book reveals that the society is far from being a campus fraternity and is primarily concerned with securing the success of its members in the post-collegiate world.
“One of the most intriguing aspects of Sutton’s book is its access to verified membership lists, rare reprints of original Order materials, and a peek inside the Tomb, the society’s 140-year-old private clubhouse. These unique resources offer a glimpse into the interlocking power centers dominated by Bonesmen and the strategies they use to maintain their influence and power.
“Moreover, Sutton’s book also reveals how Skull and Bones have influenced American education and politics by introducing influential philosophical ideas. For example, Bonesmen played a crucial role in introducing Wundt’s psychological philosophy, which emphasizes the study of individual consciousness and the subjective experience of the individual. In addition, Bonesmen such as G. Stanley Hall, who studied with Wundt in Germany, established the first psychology laboratories in America, creating a new field of study that would significantly impact American education and society. Hall passed those ideas to Daniel Coit Gilman, who was instrumental in the foundation of the American education system.
“In addition to Wundt’s psychological philosophy, Bonesmen were also responsible for introducing the dialectical philosophy of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel into American politics. Hegel’s ideas, which emphasized the importance of conflict and struggle in human history and the inevitability of change and progress, were championed by Bonesmen such as Prescott Bush and his son George Herbert Walker Bush. They believed that the Hegelian dialectic could be used to bring about social and political change and to advance the interests of the ruling elite.
“Through their advocacy of these philosophical ideas, Skull and Bones members played a significant role in shaping America’s intellectual landscape and laying the groundwork for the political and social changes that would come to define the 20th century.
“In conclusion, “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones” by Antony Sutton is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the forces that shape our world and how secret societies operate behind the scenes. Sutton’s meticulous research and insights into the inner workings of one of the world’s most influential organizations, combined with his analysis of the philosophical ideas that Bonesmen have introduced into American education and politics, make this book a fascinating and thought-provoking read. Moreover, it serves as an additional, sobering reminder of the dangers of unaccountable power and the need for transparency and accountability in all areas of society.”