The Journey 157. Russ Baker: JFK, Donald Trump, Skull and Bones, and the Hard Work of Journalism
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Russ Baker about his agnostic approach to journalism, the responsibility and care with which he avoids errors, and how, after hundreds and hundreds of pieces, he has never been sued.

Also discussed are Allan Dulles, the CIA, Skull and Bones, the money moved by intelligence agencies (through drugs, weapons and more), the drug money that funds an amazing amount of corruption around the world, the JFK assassination (and the “basic crew” behind it, as Kris sees it), Donald Trump (“a master huckster”), and the weaponization of conspiracy theories.
Russ Baker is an award-winning investigative reporter and historian; founder, Editor-in-Chief and CEO of, a nonprofit news organization presenting stories and angles ignored by the mainstream media; and best-selling author of FAMILY OF SECRETS: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years, available at the usual sellers. Follow him on, @realrussbaker, and at
People like to simplify things.
FAMILY OF SECRETS has sold hundreds of thousands of copies.
Top officials of intelligence agencies would not necessarily know about the dirty deeds.
Russ is writing a book on the JFK assassination which he hopes to complete in three years.
Kris describes a phone call recorded by the Pegasus Group of Naval Intelligence, per Trent Parker, in which JFK’s assassination was discussed by “the basic crew” – J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon B. Johnson, Allan Dulles, George H.W. Bush, and Nelson Rockefeller.
Nixon blackmailed the Dulles brothers about the thousands of Nazis they brought here against President Truman’s orders. Nixon was helped to become congressman, senator, then vice president in 1952.
There were forces working against the Constitution before the ink was even dry.
Kris sees a consortium of quote-unquote evil forces behind Mr. Trump to get him elected.
Russ says you can play the establishment game; play it safe; have a comfortable life, be well rewarded and respected, or be a major controversial figure.
But he refuses to play either of those games. He is agnostic about everything, and very careful not to posit theories. He doesn’t like mistakes and works hard to avoid errors.
Gazing at our devices at meals, not debating and discussing things at the table, we are inflicting a self-lobotomy on our civilization and consigning our kids to lives of darkness.
“WhoWhatWhy is a global nonprofit news organization committed to reporting without corporate pressure, political agenda, or a pack mentality. Our work involves digging deep for meaningful answers — with responsible fearlessness.