The Journey 154. Dr. John Brady and William Matson Law: The TWO Sirhan Sirhans
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Dr. John C. Brady and William Matson Law about PSYCHOLOGICAL DNA: A Cold Case Analysis of Who Killed Robert F. Kennedy, Dr. Brady’s new book for which William wrote the Foreword.
It’s a re-assessment of Sirhan Sirhan’s mental state when he was arrested for shooting presidential candidate Senator Robert F. Kennedy and later convicted of first-degree murder.

Using modern criminological methods and psychological assessment tools, Dr. Brady shows how Sirhan suffered from conditions that, in Dr. Brady’s opinion, had they been known, could have changed the jury’ s verdict to second degree murder, which could have led to Sirhan’s parole decades ago.
Topics discussed:
John’s intro to the case through his professor at Berkeley, Dr. Bernard Diamond, who was on Sirhan’s defense team during his trial. Dr. Diamond would discuss non-confidential aspects of the case with his students. He espoused the diminished capacity theory, which was a continuum of responsibility that replaced the all-or-nothing principle of sane and responsible versus insane and not responsible.
But the defense team seemed to confuse the jury, who reached a verdict of murder in the first degree. Dr. Brady believes, had the jury understood something not well stated until years later, namely, the two personalities that Sirhan seemed to have, consistent with dissociative identity disorder, the jury could have declared him guilty in the second degree, which would have spared him a death row sentence and plausibly allowed him to have been paroled 30 years ago.
William Law is impressed with Dr. Brady’s case. But psychiatry and ballistics are not his expertise. He has interviewed witnesses and participants in the case and can only relay the reports of too many bullets indicating multiple shooters, and bits of paper in the air, consistent with the idea that Sirhan was firing blanks while, as much implies, security guard Thane Eugene Cesar shot RFK while standing next to him.
Kris Millegan: “Well, we’re not going to solve the case here.”
Sirhan’s identity problem can be traced to the horrors of violence he saw as a boy in East Jerusalem. (His mother described how he would shut down and even faint in the face of those traumas.)
Dr. Brady describes Sirhan’s ability to self-hypnotize and his likely erotomaniac feelings toward RFK – intense love turning to intense hatred – reminiscent of another man convicted of a high-profile killing, Mark David Chapman and the shooting of Beatle John Lennon.
Dr. John Brady is a licensed forensic psychologist, Doctor of Criminology, true crime writer and celebrity analyst who has written other books, including KLEPTO-BISMO: Big Pharma, Shoplifting and Psychiatric Deception, and WHY RICH WOMEN SHOPLIFT – When They Have It All! See more at
William Matson Law is the author of many books, including IN THE EYE OF HISTORY: Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence; BETRAYAL: A JFK Honor Guard Speaks, written with the late Hugh Clark; and PIPE THE BIMBO IN RED: Dean Andrews, Jim Garrison and the Conspiracy to Kill JFK, written with Donald Jeffries. His books can be found at and the usual sellers.
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