The Journey 152. Sexual Terrorism in Belfast: The Kincora Boys’ Home Scandal
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks (here) with Richard Kerr, Colin Wallace, and Father Sean McManus about Ireland’s Kincora Boys’ Home sex scandal and how it went far beyond one foster home. “Kincora Boys’ Home in east Belfast, where dozens of boys were abused over three decades, has been demolished…” -SUNDAY WORLD article at the end.

Father Sean McManus is the founder and president of the Irish National Caucus ( “McManus became Britain’s nemesis in America, the driving force that would eventually erode Britain’s influence within the U.S. Government.” (American Policy and Northern Ireland: A Saga of Peacebuilding, Professor Joseph E. Thompson, 2001.)
Colin Wallace is a former Military Intelligence Officer involved in psychological operations in Northern Ireland.
Richard Kerr Bio:
“Richard Kerr is the second of six siblings who were all sent to institutions. Richard was five years old when he was sent to Williamson House (for ages 5-14) on Christmas night 1966. Then he was transferred to Kincora House (ages 14-18).
“Richard’s abuse started at the age of 5 at the hands of house managers. He was spirited out of Belfast to the US by his handlers in May 1979 (aged 17-18) via London. This was to ensure he was not available to answer questions in the developing police inquiries around the sex scandal known as Kincora. [Richard: “To shut me up, I was sent to the United States. The American who helped with the immigration was Roy Cohn.”]
“The sex scandal was far broader than one foster home. Most of Richard’s abuse was arranged by house managers in hotels and safe houses outside of Kincora. He was pimped out to businessmen, lawyers, politicians, doctors. These clients were then blackmailed into providing intelligence during the war in Northern Ireland. Most of the other kids in these homes were abused internally by the house managers.
“Richard started a high court action in 2015 which has been stalled many times by the state. He is suing the police, Secretary of State, Department of Health, and the State Department in Northern Ireland, alleging that the police failed to investigate the abuse because the children were knowingly used as bait in an intelligence gathering sex honey trap.”
Paraphrasing the podcast conversation:
Sean: In the protestant community, the victim speaking out is shunned. To this day, they are denying Richard the justice he deserves. Colin was in the army and the police and was shunned and demonized for speaking up, for trying to tell the truth.
Colin: I was raised in Northern Ireland. When the Troubles began, circa ’67, ’68, I was deployed as part of the first peacekeeping soldiers. Eventually I saw that the bombing attacks were meant to create and keep the fighting going. By ’74 it was kind of a clandestine war that Parliament let go on. Later I learned about the Kincora child abuse.
Kris: Horrendous acts need to be exposed.
Richard: At five-years-old I was put in a state home and the abuse began. It happened for a long time. I was taken to many places. I’ve given the addresses. It was for political reasons. I’d leave hotel room, [where I was with an important person,] and in the next room there would be men with cameras.
Kris: Honey traps are for serious goals, serious manipulation.
Richard: To shut me up, I was sent to the United States. The American who helped with the immigration was Roy Cohn.
Colin: There are four books on Kincora in production.
HOME OF HORROR: How MI5 protected child sex abusers in the notorious Kincora Boys’ Home
Journalist Chris Moore – the author of book ‘The Kincora Scandal’ – writes about how the secret service helped cover up sex abuse.
…Kincora Boys’ Home in east Belfast, where dozens of boys were abused over three decades, has been demolished.
December 4, 2022
William McGrath’s arrival at Kincora meant things took a turn for the worse. The man who would become known as the ‘Beast of Kincora’ was already a leading religious bigot with roots buried deeply in the Orange Order and in the quasi-paramilitary group he ran called Tara.
The level of sexual terrorism at Kincora rose dramatically with his arrival but he enjoyed the protection of his two bosses, the sexual deviant warden Joe Mains and his deputy Raymond Semple.
Lord Mountbatten, uncle of the about to be newly crowned King Charles III, stands accused of crossing the Kincora threshold to enjoy the flesh of a young boy, Arthur Smyth.
“THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH is a documentary by Michael Oswald about Colin Wallace, a former Military Intelligence Officer involved in psychological operations in Northern Ireland [who spread] fake news, created a witchcraft scare, smeared politicians, and attempted to divide and create conflict amongst communities, organizations, and individuals as part of a Disinformation War in Northern Ireland. He fell out with members of the intelligence community and found himself accused of murder.” – The Man Who Knew Too Much | Documentary on Propaganda and Disinformation War, on YouTube, channel: Independent POV, September 29, 2021
From Colin’s bio: “It was not until 14 years later that the Government finally admitted that I did have a covert role in PsyOps.”