The Journey 151. Patrick Bell: Perfect Possession and The Power of Love
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Patrick Bell about the nature of good and evil, demonic possession, and his new book, SLAVES OF SATAN: A Catholic Study of Perfect Possession, Diabolical Subjugation and the Enemies of Jesus Christ, available now at and later this month (May 2024) at the usual sellers.

Patrick is a devout Catholic who saw an apparition when he was 22 years old, a terrifying encounter that renewed his interest in demonology. He says love can protect us from every unholy thing.
Kris: I don’t believe in the devil. I think evil comes from people. But energy can coalesce, and when things get named, they can become things.
Patrick: After seeing the apparition, sometime later, I met a man who was so filled with hatred, for a moment his eyes turned completely black. He was boiling with rage. His eyes changed back.
Kris: My dad was a lay preacher. I spent a lot of time in church. I’m something of a “red letter” Christian. I like what Christ said in the Bible.
In high school, maybe earlier, I read a lot about Edgar Cayce, which you could say is about mysticism, and Aleister Crowley, who was into what many call magick. That helped me later when I studied secret societies and their beliefs because of what my daddy told me [when I was 19].
Patrick: I believe Crowley was pure evil. I believe the Catholic perspective. That there’s a battle between good and evil. And God wins in the end. And love means nothing without free will. God loves us, and he gave us free will.
About Patrick’s book:
Available now at
Why do human beings commit some of the most horrific, appalling, and unspeakable acts known to man?
This book is a deep dive of extensive research into one of religion’s most controversial and terrifying subjects, diabolical possession, and its most horrifying form: Perfect Possession – when a person has given themselves completely, their very souls.
You will see the theology and church teaching behind perfect possession, the three types of it, who it occurs to and why, plus people from history who were perfectly possessed, including serial killers, dictators, and the international occult elite, and the diabolical deeds of destruction they perpetrated upon humanity.
SLAVES OF SATAN is an extraordinary book that looks at the darkest corners of the human and diabolical mind and answers the question of why.

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