The Journey 144. Michael McCarron: Thought Injection and Psychological Warfare
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Michael McCarron about BATTLESPACE OF MIND: AI and Cybernetics in Information Warfare, his book coming out in March 2024, about the neurocognitive weapons developed by the Nazis that are being used against us today by the advanced military powers of the world in a battle for our minds, things like microwave “remote influencing,” thought injection, reflexive control, and narrative networks.
Also discussed are the bad actors of secret societies who pragmatically exploit people, nations and situations in pursuit of their own agendas, the rich industrialists who pull the bad strings from behind the scenes, and the AI that might manipulate people without human instruction. Michael’s work, including a free PDF of his book, can be found at

Kris: This is one of the most important books that we’ve ever published. BATTLESPACE OF MIND: AI and Cybernetics in Information Warfare.
I always have to go back to stuff my daddy told me that I didn’t understand many, many years ago. He told me about these secret societies, and that was the hardest thing to find information on.
That led me to Skull and Bones. And there are other secret societal organizations out there, but they work together to a certain extent, and you show how this meme warfare developed out of this secret society system. And then the most amazing thing that you show is how they stealthily have been growing this psychological warfare, which comes from the German term worldview warfare. [And you show that] they use this reflexive control.
What I’ve seen is a Leviathan of 3 levels that has 3 parts in each level. The top level is mining, metal and money. It makes sense. If you control the mining that the metal comes from and the money is based on that, you’re in a pretty good position. And I had an author that could affect that. And his daddy, he was a mining engineer. Granddaddy was a mining engineer. Great granddaddy was a mining engineer. And I put out his book and he was dead within 7 days, run over by a hit and run lorry in London.
And then they have this big middle section, drugs, guns and oil, where they get big piles of money to influence things and they use war and urban renewal to move things around.
And then where this Leviathan meets the road is media – because they’ve gotta control the media – and then music slash movies – because they’ve gotta control the culture or it’ll bite them in the ass – and then the last part is one that you really are getting into in your book. I call it quote unquote magic. Their ability to hoodwink us to make us think something else is happening. It includes their use of mass trauma rituals, like the Kennedy assassination and 9/11 to keep us in line.
But because of the internet, because of all this information getting out there, it’s getting harder for this secret societal network to exist, to keep their secrets and to operate. And so, when that starts to break down, you end up with criminal gangs which kind of mush in between all kinds of things.
And then you had the leak of all the CIA and other intelligence agencies’ spy tools in 2017, which really changed the playing field because you have a lot more people that can play in that field with those tools.
Also, how the secret societies function, they’re very pragmatic. So, with a lot of the stuff you discovered, I’m trying to solve, how do we deal with all this pragmatically. I call it pragmatism with a backbone. Because these guys, they don’t seem to have much of a backbone. They just kind of create a lot of havoc and what not.
The more we understand what you’re talking about, the better it is that we can deal with these things and create a better world for our children.
Michael: It was Himmler, the SS leader of the Nazis who wanted to use this paradigm of secret societies in his structure for the post-World War Two Fourth Reich that he was planning to develop, because he knew that the German military was going to be defeated in kinetic warfare.
The Nazis themselves are really just a front group for industrialists, the rich industrialists, and we have to remember how rich Germany was. Germany was the richest country, the most technologically advanced and most economically advanced in the world in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. These are major players, and even today, all the nation states and all their corporate intelligence organizations as merely tools of the rich industrialists who control the financial strings of this world.
What this book does, it goes way back to the end of World War One, when the technology of mass influence, a remote biological influence of people, specifically using microwaves, [was developed,] that the Soviets, when they invaded Berlin [in 1945], discovered they were using; microwave generators to manipulate people’s brain waves; their neurology.
So, they got ahold of this technology and took it to the Soviet Union. We have Operation Paperclip, where some German scientists went to America and Britain. [The Soviets had a similar] program which took a bunch of Nazi scientists to the Soviet Union. The Nazi scientists they got, because they were behind on the nuclear program, that’s what they were primarily interested in, to catch up with America.
Those scientists, when you trace their research, you can trace Soviet remote influencing technology to the same German Nazi scientists that the Soviets brought to their country.
Eventually it ends up, when the Soviet Union collapses, all these Soviet researchers who have previously been working for the military industrial complex of the Soviet Union are unemployed. They have no money. Everything has collapsed. So, they come to America. The NSA goes to these scientists, and they start developing the same remote influencing technology. Specifically at Lockheed Martin Corporation.