The Journey 143. Bart Sibrel: The Compelling Evidence That the Moon Landings Were Faked
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Bart Sibrel about his film, A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE MOON, the evidence that the moon landings were faked, the Russian space official who recently said so publicly, the AI conclusion, publicly told to President Putin, that NASA photos supposedly taken by astronauts on the moon were fake, the media sweeping those stories under the rug, the alchemical formula to rule the world (destroy primordial matter – splitting the atom; kill the king in a ritual sacrifice – assassinating President Kennedy; and bring star matter back to earth – supposedly the moon rocks from the Apollo missions) and how it has no power if the moon landings were faked, and much more. Bart’s film (and other evidence) can be seen at
Bart Sibrel is an award-winning filmmaker, writer, and investigative journalist who has discussed the moon landing fraud and his films A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE MOON and ASTRONAUTS GONE WILD on NBC, FOX, CNN, HBO, Geraldo, The Daily Show, The Abrams Report, Coast to Coast, and TNT Radio. In his memoir, MOON MAN: The True Story of a Filmmaker on the CIA Hit List (available at and the usual sellers), he recounts the attempts to silence him and reveals astonishing secrets about the Apollo 11 mission.

Bart: About maybe 6 to 12 months ago, the former director of the Russian Space Agency publicly said the [American} moon missions are fake. The very next today, because some mainstream media picked that up, Fox News calls me up. They said we want to do an hour long special about the trip to the moon or whether it’s real or not. One day after the Russian Space Agency director said the moon missions from America were fake.
And then they told me they were very honest producers. They said we haven’t read your book. We haven’t seen your films, and we just want to tell you upfront we will conclude, before reading your book, before watching your movies and before reviewing the evidence, we will conclude that the moon missions are real.
So, the whole point of the program was to reassure people that the moon missions were real and to squash the idea that they were fake. They said the conclusion of the program before reviewing any evidence will be that the moon missions are real to reassure people that they’re real.
And when I watched their program that came out, a few months later … they failed to mention the quote from earlier of the former Russian space director who said that the moon missions were fake. And this is coming from an alleged anti-corruption network, which shows you it’s simply a facade.
Kris: When I was in high school [I started reading] about Edgar Casey and Aleister Crowley and I thought they were very interesting people. And so, I took on magic and mysticism as an intellectual discipline to look into it. And then, my daddy told me some stuff, and somebody told me I was a conspiracy theorist. And so, I started looking into conspiracy theory.
And then Feral House did this book, SECRET AND SUPPRESSED, which had this story by James Shelby Downard, and he was basically used as a child in Masonic rituals of certain particular Masonic groups. And he became quite knowledgeable about a thing called mystical topography. How magical rituals are played out on the map.
And one thing that he talked about in this article, KING KILL 33, was this alchemical formula that was somewhere floating around that you use to rule the world. The first part of this formula was to destroy primordial matter. And this supposedly happened at the Trinity site where they blew the first atomic bomb, which is right near the 33rd degree parallel.
And then the second part of this alchemical ritual was the killing of the king. And this ritual basically was the assassination of John F. Kennedy. You know, [the roads at Dealey Plaza form a Trident,] there right next to the Trinity River, right near the 33rd degree parallel. [Dealey Plaza was named after a 33rd degree Mason.] It was a ritual kill zone.
And then the third part of this ritual to quote-unquote rule the world was bringing star matter back down to earth. And this was supposedly accomplished by bringing the moon rocks back and putting them in Houston through LBJ.
So, you know, I’m looking at [what you’re saying about] the moon landing in that kind of perspective.
You’re 100% sure that you’re absolutely correct. Right?
Bart: Oh, absolutely. I mean, we found footage of them faking being halfway to the moon dated two days into the [Apollo 11] flight, and it’s NASA footage that at the heading of the footage, it says, “Do not show to the public.” It’s unedited footage of [the astronauts] faking being halfway to the moon.
Go to my site, Sibrel .com, and watch my film on the homepage, A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE MOON. We showcase that footage in there.

There’s also a 3-minute video on the homepage of called MOON FRAUD IN 3 MINUTES, where we show a picture in sunlight in which objects to the left or right of each other will always have parallel shadows because the sun’s a million times bigger than the earth, and then we show pictures allegedly on the moon where shadows are intersecting at 90 degrees from objects 5 feet apart, which means it’s an electrical light, which means they’re not on the moon, they’re on earth.
In my book, MOON MAN, we have an eyewitness who was Chief of Security at Cannon Air Force Base (New Mexico). And it was their special ops headquarters. And as the man is dying, many years after the moon missions, he’s confessing that, first of all, he’s a murderer. He’s fearing the judgment of God and as best as we can tell, you confess your sin and recant it, meaning, make a pledge not to do it again, and you are forgiven of even murder.
And his son, who was my source, was so alarmed that his father was a murderer, he called in the military police. And they did an investigation and he confessed he killed a coworker at Cannon Air Force Base in 1968, and when they asked them why, he saidf:
“Well, we both witnessed Apollo 11 being filmed on a fake moon set in an airplane hangar on June first, second and third, 1968. And President Johnson was there for the first day of filming. My friend, my co-worker, thought it was morally wrong. He was going to tell a reporter, and I killed him as the chief of security to keep it a secret because we were told if we told anybody that they were filming the moon landing at our base that we would be killed.”
And so, he killed him as part of his duty. And that information is published for the first time in the book, as is the interview I conducted with Betty Grissom, the widow of the man who was going to be the first man to walk on the moon before Neil Armstrong [Virgil “Gus” Grissom].
She told me that on January 26, 1967, he came home from work and said, “For some strange reason, the CIA is all over the launch pad today inspecting the equipment. Why would the CIA be here expecting the equipment?” The very next day, the guy is dead from [supposedly] faulty equipment. And this is because he was a whistleblower.
Just days earlier, he had, without permission, held an impromptu press conference where he invited a group of reporters to the very top of the rocket, where he [hung] a lemon the size of a grapefruit, [to say] this equipment is a piece of junk. In fact, one of his last words talking on a wired intercom that did not work was, “Gentlemen, how can we get to the moon if we can’t talk between two buildings?” And they replied, “I can’t hear what you’re saying.”
And so, he was preparing reports to give to Congress and his senator about how they were at least 10 years away from being able to go to the moon and he didn’t understand why they wouldn’t fix faulty equipment.
[The reason was] because the higher-ups knew they weren’t going to go [to the moon] and they were considering faking it and they had not informed the astronauts at that point, which was true because [the fake landing] was filmed a year and a half later at Cannon Air Force Base.
His wife told me that the CIA came to his house, removed all of his papers which he was preparing for Congress about how the moon program is going nowhere, and they took [that stuff] from his house – before they even informed her that he had died. And so, we have the CIA, who we pay with our federal income tax, killing our fellow citizens. And we’re paying for it.

You know whoever killed JFK, he’s still dead. It’s just a matter of who did it and why. Same with 9/11. Those people are dead. It’s a real event. It’s just a matter of who did it and why.
This is different. This is a complete fabrication. It’s a lie people wanted. It’s candy. And I come along, and I try to take candy away and give people a pile of manure instead and they’re infuriated that I would do such a thing.
But they didn’t have to fake the moon landing. They could have said, “Kennedy misspoke. We can’t do it. We’re going to need more time.” In fact, NASA has never kept a schedule in their entire history, except [supposedly] going to the moon, the most complicated mission of all time. And so, they don’t have a problem saying they have to postpone a mission. They’ve done that every single time they’ve had a deadline.
So why did they fake it? Because they could. Because they could get away with it. Because they could embezzle the money and murder people to cover it up and [who cares about] the stupid Americans who don’t know any better, who are waving their flag and praying and crying.
I mean this is on stamps. It’s in the encyclopedia. It’s on coins. They gave a Medals of Honor for being such good liars. That’s our country. And people are not willing to admit it’s gotten that bad. But it has. They lied to every TV station, radio station, newspaper. It’s allegedly the greatest event in human history, by the greatest nation on earth, and it’s all a fabrication, [which] is more important historically than if they had actually gone.
That’s why I [said to myself,] this is worth dying for. This is important. The public needs to know. If we can have a great awakening about everything else, but if people still think the moon missions are real, [then] we won’t have a great awakening [and] those scoundrels will still be in power.
Kris: No, they’ve already blown their wad. I mean, this was the big hoodwink. [But we have to be very careful, because] during the late sixties and early seventies, they could have told us kids anything about Nixon and we would have believed it, because we hated him so much. And you know, emotions can cloud critical thinking.
My daddy told me, he said, “Read it all.” If you read the misinformation and the disinformation, you see what they’re trying not to tell you [and] where they’re trying to send you in different directions.
Basically, I see this secret societal level that was above the nation states, and it was able to reach into things and do things and they grabbed very strong control of our country with the Spanish-American War. And they had some very strong control up through … it started to waffle some in the George W. Bush Administration, and it loosened up a little bit more during Obama.
And this alchemical formula that was floating out there, that if they did it, they could control the world. But if they didn’t perform the third part of their ritual, [if they didn’t bring star matter / slash moon rocks back,] they’re dust to the wind.
And we have the opportunity to re-establish ourselves in control of what’s going on here and make a more perfect union like our founders were looking to do [and] create a better world for our children.