The Journey 142. Dr. Juliette Engel: Mind Control, Moscow, and Inbred Idiots
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Dr. Juliette Engel (author of SPARKY: Surviving Sex Magick, her memoir of being sold as a child into the CIA’s Sex Magick cult, and ANGELS OVER MOSCOW: Life, Death and Human Trafficking in Russia, about the underground railroad she created in Russia that saved 70,000 trafficking victim) about:
Americans and Russians being used as cat’s paws in propaganda wars;
how Skull and Bones softened up America with the Civil War and infiltrated our institutions, using the Spanish-American War to make big money through drug trafficking and other imperial abuses;
how “ruling” families sometimes put their first-borns into mind control programs multi-generationally and inbreed to the point of producing idiots who often end up in positions of power;
how Juliette grew up with little memory of her childhood;
how her parents were so scared of what was done to her that when she asked about it, they fled to Mexico, and she never saw them again;
and her new TrineDay book, MOSCOW TRAFFIC, which novelizes the creation of organized crime and corruption in Russia (much like THE GODFATHER novelized organized crime in America).

Kris: I was quite amazed when you first contacted me about your first book. I said, “This is an amazing woman that’s had lots of experience that can help us understand the perfidy that we live in.”
What started me on this journey, my father [telling me] he was a spook. In COS (Office of Coordinator of Information) and G 2 and the CIA. And he was asked to leave the CIA because he wouldn’t be involved with the drug running.
He said the Vietnam War is about drugs. There are secret societies behind it. And then he says, “Communism is all a sham. These same secret societies are behind it all. It’s all a big game.”
I really see, because of the internet, the secret societal level of control has been reduced and once it gets reduced you end up with more control at the sovereign country level and then also you have another element in between the secret societies in the sovereign countries and that’s criminal gangs.
What’s been your journey here?
Juliette: When I was invited to go to Moscow in 1990. I didn’t realize that I was an MK Ultra survivor or that the people who invited me actually had known my uncle who is one of the founders of the NSA. I come out of this family of OSS. They’re all OSS, CIA, NSA. [They] put me in a mind control program along with others of my cousins who have connected with me since I wrote the book [SPARKY].
I’d been in Russia for 20 years and propelled into this world of human trafficking, not really realizing that I’d been a human trafficking victim myself, but it’s just made me so angry to see it in Russia, where children are being sold out of orphanages, sold at birth recruited, as they leave government institutions and brought it into prostitution.
My experience of working with trafficking victims in Russia brought me right back to the [question], “Why am I doing this? Why can’t I remember anything from my past? Who are these people in my family? Who is my mysterious uncle who tried to leave the NSA and the whole family knew he was murdered? And who am I in all this?” And that’s how I started writing SPARKY.
There are families that basically dwell in secret societies and put their first born into MK Ultra programs and then the rest of the family gets a lot of benefit out of that. Not necessarily the one that’s put in.
Kris: That’s chilling. That’s really chilling what you’re saying there, and I’ve been looking at this a long time and we are dealing with a lot of multi-generational [things here].
Juliette: It is multi-generational, and my family can trace it all the way back, I’ve gotten back to about 800. And they’re still doing the same things.
All my life I’ve been told that if I revealed any of these secrets, I would be instantly killed. And my parents were so afraid of that, that as soon as I started asking them questions like what really happened to me, who were these people, where was I, why was I always taken away at Christmas, they took off, went to Mexico, and I never saw them again.
And when we trace back the family lines, I am coming out of this identifiable line that originates with the Ruriks, who were the ruling dynasty of Russia from 880 to 1,500 AD. It was the longest ruling dynasty in the history of the world. And they created all the modern heads of Europe. All these lines came out of this one line.
Kris: Basic mind control is first about trance. Trance affects everybody differently. Then you have role playing and ritual. And then there’s trauma.
Juliette: I was In the Soviet Union and with really, the leaders not realizing that I was a descendant of the works and that my uncle had worked there in the NSA for years. [I was there] right in the inside of all that as the Soviet Union came apart, invited into all of these previously secret meetings. And all these things I got to see.
Juliette: I was in the Soviet Union when it collapsed, not knowing that my uncle had worked there in the NSA for years. I was invited into all of these previously secret meetings. And all these things I got to see.
I started to understand what had happened to those people. And the way that the Khazarians basically had taken over Russia. They became the Bolsheviks. And destroyed Christianity. Destroyed Jewish culture, because they aren’t really Jews either. Destroyed mosques, leveled cultural institutions. Basically destroyed all culture.
And what rose out of that was a corrupt society. That is what I wanted to describe [in my new book, MOSCOW TRAFFIC], because it became the basis of the largest organized crime rings in the world. They came out of these torture chambers in the children’s prisons of Soviet Russia, where these children were taken.
Juliette: I was In the Soviet Union and with really, the leaders not realizing that I was a descendant of the works and that my uncle had worked there in the NSA for years. [I was there] right in the inside of all that as the Soviet Union came apart, invited into all of these previously secret meetings. And all these things I got to see.
I started to understand what had happened to those people. And the way that the Khazarians basically had taken over Russia. They became the Bolsheviks. And destroyed Christianity. Destroyed Jewish culture, because they aren’t really Jews either. Destroyed mosques, leveled cultural institutions. Basically destroyed all culture.
And what rose out of that was a corrupted society. That I wanted to describe [in my new book, MOSCOW TRAFFIC], because that the basis of the largest organized crime rings in the world. And there’s a way that they all connect together, and they basically came out of these torture chambers in the children’s prisons of Soviet Russia, where these children were taken.
Basically, they rounded up all the intellectuals, anybody that had a spark of spirit [and] shot them against walls of monasteries, and then took all [children] the inside the monasteries. And they gave me all these films, this data, of children being brought in, shaved stripped, and they’ve just seen their parents shot outside. They’re brought into these prisons, these monasteries that still look like churches, but they’re prisons and they are the worst, and their goal, just like MK Ultra, is to completely break down the psyche of these genetic best.
I mean, these were the children of the best, the brightest; the athletes, the statesmen, the writers, the poets. They took them away from their parents, just what they’d like to do in the United States, too. They took them away, locked them up, they broke them down.
But they couldn’t build them up again, and what they got was a horrific culture. Children growing up inside these prisons [with] no family connections, no love, no connection really to women. These were boys. Institutions for boys. Their only fealty, their only loyalty, is to one another.
So, they have become the criminalized mafia, the Russian mafia, this series of gangs which is ultimately more powerful than governments. And they roam the governments. And they’re ruthless and they’re international and they’re all hooked up.
They’re here. And I wanted to tell people about it. But coming back to the United States, in the early 2000s, I started trying to tell people about what was going on and the growth of organized crime and how dangerous it was, and I couldn’t get anyone to pay any attention. I [wanted to] get people to pay attention to the human trafficking that was going on. Ultimately, I wrote it as fiction, a thriller. As the Russians say, “The road to truth is a good story.”