The Journey 141. Secret Societies, Technofascism, and the Race for Freedom (with S.K. Bain and Bruce de Torres)
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan (here) speaks with S.K. Bain (THE MOST DANGEROUS BOOK IN THE WORLD: 9/11 as Mass Ritual, BLACK JACK: The Dawning Of A New Great Age Of Satan, MOST DANGEROUS: A True Story, and THE END IS ONLY THE BEGINNING: 2022 and The Coming Of God) and Bruce de Torres (GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free) about conspiracy theories, the big paradigm shift happening, the secret societies that infiltrated our institutions, and how the internet has diluted their control.
Also, how the illegal drug trade let the CIA gather huge piles of cash, how that inspired other countries and intelligence agencies to do the same (with even diplomats moving drugs for money), how JFK’s assassination and 9/11 were psychological traumas meant to break and weaken us, and the urgency of the race between technofascism and humanity awakening to, and protecting ourselves from, the corruption by connecting through the internet and voting good people into power.

Kris: There’s a lot of people talking about conspiracy theories. You know, as I mentioned before, one of the first things I did was in the early seventies was take on conspiracy theory as an intellectual discipline to look at it and to see how it affects the world. And, and you know, it’s a very wide discipline because it encompasses the occult, it encompasses economics, it encompasses history, it encompasses just a wide range of topics out there. And then you know like I’ve said many times one of the first things I learned was that a conspiracy theory doesn’t have to be true to have an effect.
And we’re in the midst of a paradigm shift and when those things happen, people that have a lot of power, they want to make sure that, after the shift happens, they continue in those power situations.
But in looking at history, [you see] that when these paradigm shifts happen, and a lot of change happens, as much as people have tried to make sure that they’re in power after them, history doesn’t really bear that out. So, we’re in a very interesting flux time.
And you know, it’s been my contention that there’s what I call the secret societal level or you could call it a cult level, and that has been above the sovereign nation level, which is, is the next level.
And You can see where the secret societal level really dug its hooks into America and a couple other places and was very much, you know. increasing their control. And then when the internet started to come out, with all this information, it started to dilute their control.
Their control has, as far as I can see has languished. And what that what that ends up with, we end up with criminal gangs kind of coming in and taking in the slack between the secret societal level and the sovereign countries, because these secret societies have used these criminal gangs for some of their operations, and then it also boils down a lot to the drug trade.
Because the drug trade creates Big huge cash piles that have allowed these people in the shadows to affect our world, starting in pretty much the sixties and seventies. And a lot of other countries started realizing, “Well, my intelligence agencies and my diplomatic corps with their diplomatic bags, can move some product and create some money for whatever our agenda is.”
And another thing that I find is that these secret societies, they’re like a puffer fish. They blow themselves up really big to look very, very threatening when they are threatened. But a lot of times their power is really just virtual.
I’ll go over again my Leviathan of how the secret societies run the world. It’s 3 levels, and you have three parts in each level. The top part is mining, metal and money. And they hold that very tight.
And then you have a very robust area or a lot of activity happens, drugs, guns and oil.
And then where this meets the road is media, movies-slash-music, and then quote unquote magic, their ability to do these mass trauma rituals to keep us in line and to threaten us.
But I’m still very hopeful even though I see how conspiracy theory is being used to radicalize people against the United States of America and different things. And I still see the internet as a healing mechanism also. The whole world. Is involved with the internet, looking at this corruption and figuring it out. It ain’t just you against the world, okay?
Bruce, what, what, what do you think about what I had to say?
Bruce: How much of the tiny percent of the wealth owners of the world are good or bad? The race is on. It’s up to us who love life to continue to do what you’ve been doing for 20 years. Put this all out on the table, put this all out on the internet, because our greatest strength might simply be the vastness of our numbers to overwhelm what the rich could do with their wealth.
Kris: The people in the shadows aren’t all evil. You have good people out there too okay, but they may be stuck in a position where you know they can only do so much. I think it’s a small percentage [that are quote-unquote evil].
I mean, look at skull and bones, their membership list. They don’t just choose quote unquote evil people. They choose people that are helpful to them. You have the legacy members. The bloodline members.
Now does every father in a bloodline family tell all of his children everything that he knows? Or does he just tell one or two or what? I don’t know.
And then you have these multi generational groups. You have multi-generational families in the military. You in occult circles you have multi-generational. And then you have multi-generational things happening in pedophilia.
Because if you’re trying to do a conspiracy beyond your lifetime, how do you control that?
The other thing in secret societies, in intelligence, one of the main things is taking notes. Well, just think, if you’re an organization, and you’d been taking notes of, say, since the 1600s. Okay, and you have these notes that say well this happens here and then you know that happens.
And then 9/11 and the Kennedy assassination, as far as I’m concerned, were both ritual crimes, ritual sacrifices. When did they start? Oh, basically in the 1930s. The buildings and getting the area in New York to have this ritual sacrifice, through Rockefellers and other people like that with money. And then again in Dallas, the setting up of the kill zone there with the trident [design of the roads]. Because these things had to be physically built.
Bruce: I want to circle the theme inside all you’re talking about which is invaluable that they are not monolithic. They do puff up like puffer fish, and that diffuses the argument of “You can’t fight City Hall,” and that creates a space for everyone to feel challenged to actually try to do something [to restore freedom and protect ourselves from those who would harm us]. Kent, what do you think?
Kent: Basically, I have the same perspective as both you and Kris. Doing what we can do and what we feel is effective. In my instance, I’ve authored 4 books and hope to author more, and I certainly hope to put those out through TrineDay and work with Kris. If you really want to make an impact, it’s a lot of hard work but it’s worth it.
So much happened this year, you could barely keep up with all of it. If your listeners have followed my work, you know this is the great shift, the great reset, the dawn of a new great age, the 26,000-year cycle procession. All of the things we have seen kick into high gear from, the war in Ukraine to the conflict in Israel. All of these things are taking place at the same time by design.
The world economy sits on the precipice of collapse or certainly transformation into a digital system, a cyber currency. All of the shoes that are set to drop or bubbles that are set to burst. And everything is set to collapse or implode at this particular moment for a very strategic reason.
And you referenced the importance of the internet earlier, Kris, and that could well be the avenue of choice by which they implement their new technocratic world order.
Kris: I think try to. I’d say try to.
Kent: I would hope that they would not be successful. Some of the more interesting theories that I’ve heard, a cyber approach to collapsing the world economy, a threat to the world’s banking system that will necessitate the implementation of a Web 3.0.
And then the idea that, you know, artificial intelligence could play a role, more broadly defined, a broader initiative to create a godlike intelligence that can control anything and everything and can out strategize humans by factors of above hundreds.
Now, whether that happens or whether they just fake that false flag, that’s a very interesting scenario. Because that threat has been so heavily touted in the last year. You look at foreshadowing or protective programming, the threat to humanity from AI, from invasion from the skies.
Kris: Yeah, they continue to scare us. I mean, you know, we have the information from von Braun’s secretary. First it was going to be, you know, the commies and then UFOs and aliens, scare us into whatever. Again, they’re puffer fish trying to scare us.
When you look at their two big things, again, the JFK assassination and 9/11 – those things didn’t happen because some general said, “Well, we got to kill the president in a couple of years.” Because the planning on these things went for decades.
I just see them losing control and using a whole lot of fear. You know, the whole Covid thing and everybody’s supposed to hate Fauci and all of this type of stuff. It’s all agenda driven. Propaganda. That’s how I see it from the rhetoric that’s being used.
I mean, look at what what’s in in the world. We have a world run by autocrats. Putin’s been there for 2004. The guy in China has been there for a long time. We got Trump out there saying, “You gotta put an autocrat in charge. You gotta put a dictator in charge because you know democracies don’t work,” or whatever.
Bruce: A very real threat as far as my studies go are what the World Health Organization has planned and is moving very, very aggressively forward, to expand their power and control over what member countries would have to automatically do. I mentioned that so anyone listening can really study that, because there are windows open right now to pressure governments, individual governments to examine those proposals very carefully and insist that, no, we don’t automatically comply and perhaps even in the United States the greatest hope would be to force it to be evaluated through the advice and consent of the Senate so that we the people actually have a chance to weigh in on those things.
Kris: I would go along with that. You look at the history of the Rockefellers, you look at the history of medicine. They’ve been very strong in there, and there are some good things from Western medicine, but there’s also a lot of stuff that has been done bad to people through Western medicine.
So again, it’s a discussion that needs to happen.
Kent: We’ve seen a lot of predictive programming from the recent Netflix series that was produced and advised on by the President Obama, that’s gotten a lot of attention. It’s basically internal collapse. There’s a lot of conjecture about how much of that may be foreshadowing real world events.
And then there’s a film coming out in 2024 by A24 Studios, CIVIL WAR. It appears to be a very realistic picture of what a civil war in America might look like. So we have to ask ourselves, is all of this foreshadowing real world events that are set in stone to occur in the next 12 months? Or is this part of the regime of fear that they keep constantly stoked, to keep us all in a very submissive and an apprehensive state? And you know, they want us to believe that a physical collapse of the United States and its government is pending and we have to turn to the government to provide a solution.
The fear factory is as powerful or more powerful than their actual projected, physical power and so we don’t have to buy into the vision that they’re trying to create. We need to focus on the reality that we want to create. They constantly stoke their vision of racial division, in particular, and we need to begin to reject that version of reality that they’re forcing upon us to create their world, their vision for the future, and spend more time focusing on our vision for the future.
Bruce: My grandest idea that ever helps me is that it begins and ends with me taking responsibility for what I’m thinking and feeling moment to moment. That’s all we can ever have or experience. And it’s all we can ever give. So, when I think about what I want for the world, I want for the world what I want for myself which is peace. Which is the ability to love life. And the ability to feel loved by life so I can trust myself and also trust what’s going happen to me hour by hour through every single day.
We have what we give, and this is the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself. I have very good days when I try to love and encourage and empower others like a good mom and a good dad, so that I feel loved and capable, and I can attack my work with some enthusiasm if not lightheartedness. What am I going to feel and what I’m going to give in thought, word and deed to anyone that I have the privilege of reaching with my voice or a post or something that I’ve written. We are very powerful. This is the loving realm.
Kris: Love God with all your heart. And treat your brothers and sisters AS your brothers and sisters. It’s been said several times. To get peace, we need justice. We need to know about this corruption that’s going on. We can go beyond their B.S and create the world that we want to create.
Especially with the internet. It’s not just you sitting in a little hole somewhere. It’s all of us together. I just am very, very hopeful.