The Journey Podcast 140. A.W. Finnegan: The Secret History and Presence of Bioweapons
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with A.W. Finnegan about his new book, THE SLEEPER AGENT: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare, which documents the secret history of biological warfare fought between global superpowers since the Spanish Flu of 1918, the bioweapons of Erich Traub, and the weaponized ticks, Lyme Disease, and many incapacitating agents now overwhelming the Western World, causing an epidemic of chronic disease, mental illness, and cancers.
They also discuss immune tolerance phenomenon = chronic immune suppression = and stealth disablers, antigens allowing pathogens into the central nervous system and organs, the history of biowarfare (like the Britain giving smallpox to natives), the “Spanish” Flu of 1918 (which might have been started by a British bioweapon given to medical and military horses), A.W.’s videos on YouTube @awfinnegan, and Germany getting caught using bioweapons in WWI, so thereafter nations developed them in secret, until the 1972 treaty said such research was okay if you called it “defensive research.”

Kris: How did you get on this journey looking into Lyme Disease and all this crazy stuff?
A.W.: I became sick in 2016, chronically. A lot of people in my hometown, Grafton (Massachusetts) [got sick]. I had read LAB 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Germ Laboratory (Michael C. Carroll, 2005), which brought more attention to Erich Traub. The whole biological warfare thing had always interested me.
But then it became a personal thing because first, my mother got sick, and then some years later I got sick. I eventually discovered Lyme Disease and some reactivated common viruses. In 2017 I decided to start writing the book [THE SLEEPER AGENT].

I had been involved with Lyme Disease activism for some time. An organization called Truth was showing this immune tolerance phenomenon and why the tests for Lyme Disease and a lot of chronic diseases for that matter are not picking them up and are not showing that [the people are] sick, even when they are. And so, the doctors will just send them out the door and tell them that there’s nothing wrong with them.
So, we’ve been getting the run-around for a long time from the public health system.
I put a timeline together. And I found John Loftus [AMERICA’S NAZI SECRET, 2010] on Facebook and reached out to him. I sent him my timeline. He invited me to call. He told me about these ladies who were looking into [Erich] Traub. Crystal Bennett was very helpful to me, getting documents [like medical journals only available from Germany universities, for instance].

John Loftus gave me [help], especially on the old Russian connections. [That help has not] stopped producing new leads ever since. I read a lot of the Russian weaponeers’ work [many books].
When I started looking into Erich Traub’s work, I noticed he was the one to discover the immune tolerance phenomenon that the girls at Truth Cures taught me about. I was able to really map the history out. Erich Traub was the pioneer of the immune tolerance phenomenon with the LCM virus he discovered at the Rockefeller Institute in 1935. And that kind of set the basis for the stealth disablers, the biological warfare agents that contain that antigen that will induce that immune tolerance phenomenon.
Kris: Can you explain that phenomenon?
A.W.: Another word for it would be “chronic immune suppression.” It’s immune deficiency. And the reason they call it tolerance is because all the pathogens that the immune system works hard to keep out of the body, they’re not able to keep them out because the immune system is being so over-whelmed that it’s forced to tolerate harmful pathogens that it should otherwise be keeping out of the body.
And at that point, they integrate into the central nervous system, into the organs, the cardio-vascular system, etc. They become very resistant infections.
What also happens is viruses that are dormant in the body, like a lot of the latent herpes viruses, like Epstein-Barr virus – a lot of them will reactivate, which is when they become a neuro-tropic virus. It takes to the central nervous system and starts wreaking havoc in it.
Kris: Can you give us a little history of biowarfare between the great powers and how it happened?
A.W.: Biological warfare has been with us since the beginning of time, I would say. A decomposing corpse could be thrown in somebody’s drinking well. Britain had been using smallpox as a weapon. They would offer a blanket from an infected person to the Native Americans. Then they’d have an epidemic of smallpox.
Then we had an epidemic in 1850 with contagious bovine Fluro pneumonia. The same thing was done on the American continent and the Australian continent. A boat from Britain comes over. They bring a cow from the ship and say it’s gone dry. They trade for a fresh cow and sail away. But the cow they leave is infected with this contagious bovine Fluro pneumonia. And it spread rapidly over the eastern United States, and at precisely the same time, the same was done in Australia.
Kris, I gave further insight into your question on the feasibility of releasing a virus of lower virulence to combat a virus of higher virulence in several videos. What happens is that with these viruses of lower virulence, they have a much higher infection rate, and they persist and instead add to slow, chronic disease because they tend to be immunosuppressive instead, they persist in the infected, and when they suppress the immune system it adds to the rampant epidemic of slow, chronic disease, and raises the dark triad of immune tolerance – chronic disease, neurological disorders, and cancer.
I covered this is several videos, and also I made a few about this blackmail problem which will ensure continuous bioterrorism against Americans since they agreed to turn their heads the other way. Here are the videos:
The Two Sides of Disease: Acute vs. Chronic Disease
Public Health & Biodefense: The 5 Major Vulnerabilities and Defects that Must Be Dealt With
Blackmail & Biological Warfare: A Tripartite Agreement’s Recipe for Disaster
My suggestion is, instead of asking ourselves about releasing viruses that further add to the chronic disease epidemic, we should be asking ourselves why the biodefense isn’t calling out bioterrorism when it happens, why they signed a tripartite agreement with Russia that said they would indefinitely turn their heads the other way when Russia violates the biological weapons treaty, and that includes when they attack us. This is treason.
We should be asking ourselves why aren’t those in American biodefense who solidified and signed that treaty found and charged with treason? Maybe if we took some responsibility for actual National Security and the health and welfare of the American people, and called out bioterrorism and exposed these massive weapons violations when they occurred, maybe they wouldn’t happen in the first place.
Then we would not have to ask ourselves whether releasing viruses was a good idea, as it is certainly not. This blackmail is ensuring further attacks, and I think the deeper problem here is infiltration and sabotage of our National Security from within. Just look at who’s running vaccine safety and review at the FDA – Konstantin Chumakov, the son of Stalin’s top bioweaponeer who killed off millions of Muslims and Mongolians, who tested Ebola-like hemorrhagic fevers on mentally ill patients.
His son is the one green-lighting all of the shots that contain the “great imitator antigen” and cause the same disease as Traub’s weapons. It’s clear to see what is going on here. It’s exactly what Alexander Kouzminov said they were doing, flooding our system and using it to harm us. Recall what KC (Konstantin Chumakov) told Lisa Walker in an interview, that all the top scientists at Moscow University came over here and fill positions in our system.
KC: […] I mean the best testimony that everybody is here now doing extremely well. I mean practically all our graduates are now very highly successful American scientists. Some of them are Department Heads, Lab Chiefs, Full Professors, and it all came, everybody who came from this department are doing extremely well.
LW: What about, I hope that the people who stayed in Russia are doing well, or is that your yardstick is that they’re in the US?
KC: Yeah, because in Russia, there is nobody who stayed. I mean I know a couple of guys who stayed there, but everybody else left…