The Journey 131. Nick Bryant:
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Nick Bryant, author of THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse, & Betrayal, and co-author of CONFESSIONS OF A DC MADAM: The Politics of Sex, Lies, and Blackmail. Nick investigated the Jeffrey Epstein network and published Epstein’s “Little Black Book” on the Internet in 2015.
And Nick recently launched EPSTEIN JUSTICE, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to justice for the victims of Jeffrey Epstein and his co-conspirators. See how you can help at
“According to the Centers for Disease Control, 25% of underage girls and 7% of underage boys in the US have been molested, which translates into more than 40 million women and 12 million men. The Democratic Party has about 60 million registered members, and the Republican Party has 55 million registered members. Survivors and their supporters could easily be the largest political party in America. It’s time for survivors to unite, exercise their power, and become part of a movement that seeks long overdue justice.” –

Kris: You’re doing on the heels of this movie, SOUND OF FREEDOM.
Nick: My friends who have seen SOUND OF FREEDOM have liked it. Many things that the media excoriates are decent. Like THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL. That’s a hoax according to the media. And also Wikipedia. And the conspiracy around Epstein. With blackmail and the government coverup. [But] the mainstream media isn’t excoriating anybody for that.
The mainstream media love to reconstitute salacious dirt on Epstein. But when it comes to actually being that Fourth Estate, being that check and balance, it’s woefully inadequate with Jeffrey Epstein.
Kris: Yep. I mean, has the mainstream media had you on to talk about it?
Nick: No. I co-produced a movie, WHO TOOK JOHNNY? [about missing paperboy Johnny Gosch, maybe the first missing child to appear on a milk carton]. AMERICA’S MOST WANTED [got to the house where he had apparently been kept], but they didn’t go any further. I was able to find [the homeowner, a prison guard]. But AMERICA’S MOST WANTED, with all its resources, couldn’t find the guy.
All they would have had to have done was a LexisNexis check and I believe they would have seen those articles out of New Mexico where [that homeowner] was arrested in 1963 for molesting three boys. I’m not saying there was malfeasance. I’m just saying they could have taken it further than they took it. It’s on my podcast. [The Johnny Gosch Case: The First Major Break in Three Decades | The Nick Bryant Podcast – YouTube channel: Nick Bryant.]
Kris: Does Epstein show up in LexisNexis?
Nick: Epstein takes up acres of LexisNexis. I downloaded the recent lawsuit that was settled by JP Morgan Chase for $290 million dollars to Epstein’s victims [potentially up to 100 victims, according to the NEW YORK TIMES].
The victims’ attorneys argued that JP Morgan knew about Epstein’s trafficking [of teenage girls and young women] and facilitated it with the money that it gave to Jeffrey Epstein.
That’s two hundred ninety million reasons to think that JP Morgan is guilty when it comes to Jeffrey Epstein.
I was digging into Epstein in 2011, 2012. I came across his black book, and in 2012 I got a copy of a copy of it. As soon as I scored it, I sent copies to a number of people, in case something should happen to me, because one never knows what could happen to somebody with information like that.
It took me three years to get it published by a media outlet, which was pretty pathetic. It’s just another example of the mainstream media not really caring too much about children.
Every major media has mentioned the black book innumerable times. And only two publications have credited me with being the guy who scored the black book. Only two.
Look at the mainstream media with Epstein now. None of them have called for justice [for his victims].
Scores of his co-conspirators are running around. The NEW YORK TIMES had an article where they named six of them. One of them was Ghislaine Maxwell. But all the others need to be put away [too].
Four administrations have covered up Epstein. Bush 2. Obama. Then Trump. And now Biden.
There’s always been political blackmail. I’ve written two books about it. And I’m coming out with a third book, THE TRUTH ABOUT WATERGATE: A Tale of Extraordinary Lies and Liars. And right at the heart of Watergate is a sexual blackmail operation that people just don’t know about.
Kris: Now you’ve started an organization.
Nick: We’ve come to the conclusion that we need our government to form a truth and reconciliation commission regarding Epstein that includes citizens, not just political hacks, that demand justice. We need the American people to follow us. EpsteinJustice is non-political. Non-partisan. It has nothing to do with Qanon.
I thoroughly believe if you start with Epstein justice and dig deep enough, you’re going to reach the cesspool that governs us; the cesspool that has given us unprecedented wealth polarization; the cesspool that tramples on our constitutional rights.
We need to take back America, and this is the only issue that can unite the right and left.