The Journey 129. Michael McCarthy: China – Made By the USA
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Michael McCarthy (an investigative journalist who has written hundreds of stories about his travels to nearly 50 countries) about the Americans who financed modern China (to maximize profits and dismantle American manufacturing), the involvement of members of Skull and Bones, and Michael’s new book, FOLLOW THE MONEY: How China Bought the World, whose three main themes are treason, addiction, and consumerism.

Kris: I was very excited to get your book. I’ve been talking about, quote-unquote, “They are trying to rule the world through China,” for a good 20 years. My daddy told me some stuff I didn’t understand many years ago about these “secret societies.” And that led me to a subject I call “CIA drugs.”
When you sell drugs that are illegal, you can sell them for six to eight times their worth. So, it creates this big slush fund that allows people to do quite interesting things.
And one of my posits has been that, through Skull and Bones, these nefarious “theys” were moving the economic power to China.
We had Westerners taking opium from Turkey and India and sending it to China, and China was upset with that. But they were selling it to some Chinese people there who were also making large amounts of money and creating economic blocks in that culture. And, as we know, there are secret societies in China.
And one of the things that TrineDay has been doing is trying to expose the corruption. Because that’s basically what it is. It’s no secret formula. It’s basically using money to corrupt.
[And you were a travel writer who went all around the world and saw what I had been talking about for 20 years.] I think [FOLLOW THE MONEY] is a very important book. It’s a very good read.
Michael: After World War 2, a Chinese civil war broke out. The communists won under Mao and drove General Chiang Kai‐shek out of the country along with a million others, mostly the creative class, the intelligentsia, capitalists. They fled the communists [to Taiwan, then called Formosa]. That’s where the book starts, basically with the Cold War in the middle of the 1950s.
Why didn’t China [conquer Taiwan]? The US Sixth Fleet showed up and said, “Thou shalt not cross [the water to Taiwan].”
Kris: The first thing my daddy told me was, “The Vietnam War is about drugs.” And then he said, “And communism is all a sham. These same secret societies are behind it all. It’s all a big game.” [It took me years to see that] these guys in the secret societal system were playing games with the world and creating opposing forces.
Michael: In 1986, Vancouver, British Columbia held the World’s Fair. Then it sold the industrial land it was on to the richest man in Asia, who paid a trifling $340 million for it. It’s worth a trillion dollars now. In 1997, the communists took Hong Kong back from the British, and that scared many people [into bringing] their money from Hong Kong to Vancouver. But after the Olympics in 2010, the money just started pouring in [to Vancouver, including] drug smuggling, money laundering and investments.
I went to Los Angeles. I heard that downtown was now hip. I thought, “Yeah, right.” It was a bunch of bums. Skid row. [But people insisted.] So, I stuck my nose into things. I spoke to some real estate firms. Beautiful art deco buildings started going to ruin in the late 1970s, when light manufacturing jobs started to disappear.
But now all these old buildings were being renovated. I said, “Who’s buying these things?” “It’s all Chinese.” All L.A. was being rebuilt with Chinese money.
In the South Seas, the Chinese bought a large airfield from the French. The Chinese were loaning money all over the place in the South Pacific. When the loans became due and the people couldn’t pay them, the Chinese said, “No problem. We’ll take the ports.” So the Chinese have built a strong of ports all the way from the South China seas right across Oceana … military bases all across Oceana.
Sydney, Australia is more expensive than Vancouver. Where’s all this money coming from? China. Everywhere I’ve been, it’s all Chinese money. Where’s that come from? The communists couldn’t run a lemonade stand. The country was destitute. Mao made it even worse with the “Great Leap Forward.” Up to 45 million people starved to death because he insisted that agrarianism industry was passe. “We’re going to become an industrial power.” [But they produced nothing.]
These days, China has shining towers of glass and steel. While American cities have gone to rack and ruin. So, follow the money. Where did this come from?
Kris: Richard Nixon went over there. First, they sent out David Bruce, and then they sent George H. W. Bush, a member of Skull and Bones. And pretty soon his brother, Prescott Jr., went to Shanghai and started passing out the money for all those factories. As you drive home in your book, the factories in the United States closed. They started building them in China. And the CEO pay in America went way up.
Michael: Jobs were gone in South, in the Rust Belt. Labor costs went down 70%. Wages went down 10%. While income for top corporate executives has risen an average of 900%. Except under Carter, every US ambassador to Beijing since Kissinger’s dirty deal with Mao in 1971 was a member of [Skull and Bones].