The Journey 126. Jack Blood: Truth and Lies on The Internet and Beyond
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with veteran radio broadcaster, investigative reporter and para political research professional Jack Blood (click HERE to listen) about hosting THE ALEX JONES SHOW dozens of times, the psychological operations used against us, and the fight to find the truth in the early days of the internet and today.

Kris: Jack and I met in the early days of the internet, when he had his radio show. One time, I was on Jack’s show, and we were talking about Skull and Bones, and Alex Jones called in to say that I was wrong about what I saying.
Jack: [I was supporting Debra Medina] for governor of Texas in 2010 and, had she won, I was going to be her press secretary. Mr. Jones got upset that he wasn’t included and so he sabotaged the whole thing and Rick Perry won and the rest is history. Ron Paul [on the other hand], who I got to know pretty well, was exactly as you’d think he would be. That guy was real, one hundred percent.
I hosted THE ALEX JONES SHOW, I don’t know, 50, 60, 70 times.
Kris: What’s this new book you’ve got coming out? What’s it about?
Jack: It’s called LOSING CONTROL. It’s an autobiography. It’s got pretty interesting stories in it, because I’ve had a crazy life. There will be some celebrity stuff in there. I’ve had a lot of encounters with rock stars and different people like that.
The gist of it is how I was for the most part out of control and how I learned why that was. [I came to see that,] in many ways, that was social engineering. And I found this sense of freedom that I can enjoy today and hopefully pass along to other people. And I have a number of suggestions on how to fix everything that’s broken now – what I would do if I were president.
And I’m seeing Robert Kennedy Jr. make some of these same suggestions, which is pretty powerful and why they would want to silence him and not help him get to that seat of power and not let him make those changes with the stroke of a pen, things that are good for everyday people, the working poor, and the world at large. I’m hoping to have it out in early 2024.
[Also discussed were the Sandy Hook shooting and how conspiracy theory bandwagons and psychological operations are used to divide us into camps that fight each other so people in the shadows can control us.]
Jack: The truth is coming out about important things. We’re getting critical mass about 9/11, just like JFK, where people know something was wrong. Even Tucker Carlson was recently – and maybe that’s why he was fired from Fox – he was talking about how World Trade Center Building 7, there’s no way it went down [by itself]. A plane didn’t hit it. There are serious questions there.
But it’s twenty-one years later so that day [of full disclosure] may never fully come.
Kris. The people in the shadows had pretty tight control through Skull and Bones. And they aren’t just working today. They’re working quite a few years ahead. But the internet and the personal computer have impinged on their ability to pull off their plans. So, they aren’t so much in the driver’s seat [anymore] with us just reacting all the time.
Jack: Remember [in 2004] when Bush and Kerry were running against each other, the two Skull and Bones brothers?
Freedom is expensive. Freedom can be dangerous. To find truth and to be on the right side of truth no matter where it takes you, you’re going to run into landmines and phonies and grifters. This is part of us being adults. Big boys and girls. We understand that that’s going to happen. And nothing is perfect. You don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater just because you got taken to the cleaners once or twice.
Bruce de Torres: What are your thoughts about the idea that China is kind of a controlled opposition, that it’s a false fight between the West and China – along the lines of the idea that the real tyrants of the world built up China to “rule the world through China?”
Jack: Yeah, isn’t that what David Rockefeller and others said, that it’s the perfect government, the perfect society? These are fake paradigms. I think that all paradigms are fake in some way. New paradigms are great but you gotta keep moving. You can’t stay at one camp. You gotta keep climbing the mountain. [Because] divide and rule, and divide and conquer, is the order of the day.
Anything the military-industrial complex can do – this is what we’re seeing with the proxy war in Ukraine right now – anything they can do to keep power, keep control, keep pumping out these weapons and turn the rest of us against each other, they’re going to do it.
That being said, China is in position to be an adversary, but only to get the end result which is the one world government that basically exists now. Forget about borders. That’s a joke. [With certain trade agreements that are in place], the entire Western Hemisphere is one government and there are three or four quadrants and Asia is one and Europe is another and Africa is another.
Bruce: I would submit as evidence proving your point how so many of the countries of the world, if not all of them, handled and responded to Covid-19 [in much the same way].
Jack: Exactly.
Kris: About “They want to rule through China,” [the folks in the shadows used to have tighter control,] but the internet and the personal computer started to break that down. And sovereign countries are looking very much at their own aspects and their own futures [now].