The Journey 120. The Ignored: Part 1
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Nick Bryant, Daniel Hopsicker, Jim Norman and Ed Berger [click HERE to listen] about crime and corruption in high places, including child trafficking, which the federal government protects and covers up.
These researchers came from different directions and ended up talking about the same set of characters and deeds. The mainstream media refuses to report their findings. (Their bios are below.)
Do factions for good and evil battle inside the halls of power? Will good people flush the corruption out of our systems and restore honesty, accountability and transparency to our government? Will we make our representatives work for and protect us? What does this mean for our children’s future?
Such things and more are discussed in this compelling conversation.

Brief portions, almost verbatim:
Kris Millegan: The reason I started TrineDay was I was writing a book and nobody was going to publish it. [Even] the wildest and most courageous publisher told me that he wasn’t ready to take on Skull and Bones. Then Daniel Hopsicker came along and I helped him with BARRY AND THE BOYS. I said, “I’ve got a computer on my desk. Let’s do it.” So that’s what started it.
We’re calling this THE IGNORED because these books I’ve published by Jim Norman, Nick Bryant, Daniel Hopsicker, and Whitney Webb [whom Ed Berger helped] have big effects on people when they read them, but they are completely ignored by the mainstream press
I’m the son of an intelligence man who told me some things that I didn’t understand so I started looking at them. Nick Bryant [here] was given a story was given a story from ROLLING STONE magazine and it developed into THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL. And he knew [publishers] in New York [but no one would publish it, so I did].
Jim Norman did some amazing things in the mainstream media but he basically was asked to leave, and his book gets ignored. Daniel Hopsicker broke so many stories, it’s not funny. And we have Whitney Webb’s book, which really is a deep, deep dive, [also largely ignored, although it’s selling well].
I wanted to bring these people together because when you get together and have some discussion, things happen.
One thing I really want to talk about is J. [James] Orlin Grabbe. Because it was an amazing time on the internet when Jim, along with J. Orlin, started releasing information about banking allegations and stuff. Every day there’s be this new drop, and it got so exciting. I mean, they’d put Casper Weinberger’s secret Swiss bank account number in there and all kinds of other things.
J. Orlin got on CBS with Leslie Stahl. But that was about it. [We thought it would have caused more to happen.]
Ed Berger here was Whitney Webb’s main researcher for Volume 1 of her book, ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL: The Sordid Union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein, and he wanted to talk to Jim about [these things].
Jim Norman: I was working at FORBES magazine and bumped into the infamous PROMIS software story. It’s never been properly, completely explained. That got me going into the netherworld of intelligence activities.
It was a database kind of software being used in banking system someway by the intelligence community to track overseas money transfers, particularly through money-center banks. I was doing research on a company called SYSTEMATICS in Arkansas which was one of the marketers, handlers, users of this software.
In the 90s, I stumbled onto what somebody had compiled a list of all the internet references, press releases and everything from SYSTEMATICS and put them together on one spot on the internet. The person was J. Orlin Grabbe, a former Wharton Business School professor and computer genius. At one point I think he worked somehow with the NSA.
He had also gotten curious about SYSTEMATICS and was enraged that this company was basically monkeying with banking privacy and doing nefarious things. So I got a hold of him and we went deeper and deeper into [what was going on].
Orlin found all kinds of amazing stuff about corruption in the government, the Vince Foster story, money laundering. But soon we hit a brick wall. The powers-that-be really put the kibosh on this whole thing.
Kris: Nick Bryant brought me THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL. And one of the biggest pits in my stomach from that book was that here was the FBI running interference for these doing honey traps. Blackmail. Is it to just make money? Or is it to affect our future? To affect our government?
Nick Bryant: I came across a cult called THE FINDERS. Two members were charged with multiple counts of child abuse. A search warrant was executed on THE FINDERS’ warehouse. Really nefarious things were found. And all of a sudden the case was quashed. And the last lines of the US Customs’ report [related to this] said that the CIA said that this was an internal investigation and no further action will be taken.
This was in 2002. I thought I knew how the world worked. What was the CIA doing with this very strange cult? I started to look for instances of that, and that led me to Omaha, Nebraska, where there was a similar incident, where the FBI and the local police and the Department of Justice had covered up child trafficking, the most heinous crime that I think that someone can commit. I could not get my mind around that our government was covering up child trafficking. Aiding and abetting child trafficking. Our government, or some malignant corner of it, of our intelligence, is aiding and abetting child trafficking.
What it showed me is that there’s no line in the sand anymore. There are no moral demarcations as far as that dark, malignant corner of our intelligence [community] goes. They will do anything it takes to get power. It’s about controlling politicians and getting power.
R. A. Kris Millegan, a musician and writer/researcher, is publisher at TrineDay and host of THE JOURNEY podcast. Kris’s father, Lloyd Millegan entered US Intelligence as an 18 year-old exchange student to China in 1936. Soon he was working in C.O.I. (Coordinator of Information) under William “Wild Bill” Donovan, which morphed into the OSS (Office of Strategic Services). While there, Lloyd was drafted. OSS would place him in G2 (Army Intelligence) and get him assigned to MacArthur’s staff – where “they” had some concerns. This led to intrigue that ended up with Lloyd leaving the Agency (now the C.I.A.) soft in 1957 and hard in 1959. In 1969, along with Professor D. F. Fleming from Vanderbilt, Lloyd talked about his 20-year intelligence career to Kris, which took Kris many years to process, launching him on 50+ years of reading, research and “hanging out in Conspiracy Theory Land.”
Nick Bryant’s mainstream and investigative work has appeared in USA Today Magazine, Playboy, Salon, Vanity Fair, and other publications too ignominious to mention. Nick authored THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse, & Betrayal, and co-authored CONFESSIONS OF A DC MADAM: The Politics of Sex, Lies, and Blackmail, and contributed a chapter on child trafficking to GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES ON DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS: Individual and Societal Oppression, and he investigated the Jeffrey Epstein network and published Epstein’s “Little Black Book” on the Internet in 2015. In June 2023, his new book will be published, THE TRUTH ABOUT WATERGATE: A Tale of Extraordinary Lies and Liars. His site is nickbryantnyc dot com.
Daniel Hopsicker is the author of “Barry & ‘the boys,” “Welcome to TerrorLand,” and the soon-to-be-released “Gangster Planet.” You can follow him at his site, which is MadCowProd dot com. That stands for Mad Cow Productions.
Jim Norman spent 11 years as a writer for BusinessWeek in Detroit, Minneapolis, Houston and Connecticut. He joined Forbes in 1990 and resigned after 5 years over censorship of his groundbreaking investigation into government bank-cyber-spying and Clinton-era corruption. He then returned to his long-time focus on oil and energy companies by joining McGraw-Hill’s daily oil journal, Platts Oilgram News. His 2001 story on Enron accounting tricks helped trigger the SEC investigation that led to Enron’s demise. In 2008 history of global oil price manipulation, THE OIL CARD, was published by Trine Day and remains an important primer on modern economic warfare.
Ed Berger is an independent writer and researcher in Kentucky who has written several books, including UNCERTAIN FUTURES: An Assessment of the Conditions of the Present, and the forthcoming Thesis on the Metacartel. Ed was Whitney Webb’s main researcher for Volume 1 of ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL: The Sordid Union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein. And Ed can be followed on twitter at ebberger.