Rejected – Why?
At bottom are the TrineDay ads that Facebook has rejected since Oct. 27, 2022. They said about a recent one:

When we requested a review, they said:

Clicking their links to learn more, we found, “Advertisers can run ads about social issues, elections or politics, provided the advertiser complies with all applicable laws and the authorization process required by Meta.”
We clicked into that and found, “How to run ads about social issues, elections or politics.”
We clicked into that found a checklist of hoops and hurdles.

Do YOU think our books are the kind of political content that Facebook needs to vet and regulate?
An “anything goes,” totally un-“regulated” platform, where users would have to vet and confirm all content for themselves before “believing” anything, would still, it seems, need effective protections against the seduction and abuse of minors.
If Facebook makes it easy for regular people to participate in the creation of policies that would protect us from the posts of bad actors while maintaining the maximum freedom of speech, I have not found it, and I have used Facebook, and paid to advertise thereon, for years.
What would Facebook be worth – how successful/big would it be – if it truly served freedom of speech, and took the advertising dollars of more happy customers?

Rejected TrineDay Ads from Oct. 2022 through mid-February 2023:
Oct. 22, 2023, QANAON AND THE #PIZZAGATES OF HELL: Unreal Tales of Occult Child Abuse by the CIA
Nov. 8, 2022, THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal
Nov. 11, 2022, THE INHERITANCE: Poisoned Fruit of JFK’s Assassination
Nov. 17, 2022, LAS VEGAS’ DUNES HOTEL-CASINO: The Mob, The Connections, The Stories
Jan. 12, 2023, FLESHING OUT SKULL & BONES: Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society
Jan. 12, 2023, AMERICA’S SECRET ESTABLISHMENT: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones
Jan. 26, 2023, WHO’S WHO IN THE SECRET SERVICE: History’s Most Renowned Agents
Feb. 4, 2023, THE 15 OUNCE POUND: Big Pharma’s Plan to Patent Pot
Feb. 7, 2023, KILLING GOD’S ENEMIES: The Crazy War Against Jews, African-Americans and the U.S. Government
Feb. 7, 2023, AT THE COLD SHOULDER OF HISTORY: The Chilling Story of a Navy Hospital Corpsman Who Stood at the Shoulder of JFK During the Bethesda Autopsy
Feb. 10, 2023, ROBERT MORRIS: Inside the Revolution