The Journey 111. John Loftus: Wall Street Backed Hitler (The Secrets behind the Headlines)
Publisher RA “Kris” Millegan talks with John Loftus, a former Army intelligence officer, Justice Department investigator, and U.S. government prosecutor, who has had security clearances many levels above Top-Secret, about the 2022 elections, the psychological warfare inflicted on America, how American and British investors funded Hitler and Nazi Germany, and John’s TrineDay book:
AMERICA’S NAZI SECRET: An Insider’s History of How the United States Department of Justice Obstructed Congress by: Blocking congressional Investigations into Famous American Families Who Funded Hitler, Stalin and Arab Terrorists; Lying to Congress, the GAO, and the CIA about the Postwar Immigration of Eastern European Nazi War Criminals to the US; and Concealing from the 9/11 Investigators the Role of the Arab Nazi War Criminals in Recruiting Modern Middle Eastern Terrorist Groups.

Kris Millegan: Do you mind opining about the election coming up?
John Loftus: I’ve been a lifelong Democrat. I was Michael Dukakis’s advance man. I worked my way through college as a professional organizer for the Democratic Party.
I think what we’re seeing now is going to be an amazing turnout. Not just among Democrats but the Republican mail-in ballots are coming in at high, high levels we haven’t seen in a long time.
My feeling is, the more people who vote, the better chance to stop the MAGA wingnuts from taking over the government. We have had years and years of tax breaks for the top one or two percent. And years and years of the working men of this country being frozen in, effectively, pay rates that have declined in the last ten or twenty years. None have kept pace with inflation.
I think it’s probably likely at this point that the Republicans will capture the House of Representatives. The Democrats might still hang on to the Senate. That’s a close call right now.
Kris: The psychological warfare that has been played our here has been just immense. Fukuyama wrote the other day, basically about the difference between having a strong man and having democratic republic governments, about how a strong man might do good for a while, but then they start making bad decisions and other things.
You’ve done a lot of writing about the Nazis and have looked at how fascism happens. Growing up, we learned about Hitler, and I would wonder, how did that happen? And we’re here, almost in a textbook example. We’ve got one guy saying, “The press are enemies of the people.” It’s straight out of the fascist playbook.
John: The neo-fascists and the old communists around Putin know how to play the American media. Their aim is to split people apart [and make us think that] “Nothing we do makes a difference. Let’s stay home [and not vote].” And that’s the most dangerous thing to America.

Kris: There were more people who didn’t vote last time than voted. And that’s been a trend that has continually grown. It’s psychological warfare to make us apathetic.
John: It’s the stay-at-home vote that’s hurting America.
Kris: We live in a country where corporations are people and money is speech.
John: That happened in the era of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to rectify the evils of slavery [through] a Republican lawyer in the House and one in the Senate. They took one word out of the Amendment, where it talked about “natural persons.” They removed the word “natural.” So [now] both corporate and natural persons, people, had equal rights.
And after that Amendment was ratified, those lawyers said, “We fooled you.” They admitted to what they had done. Until you repeal it, all corporations must be treated with equal rights as human beings. We’re the only country in the world that did that. It was based on a fraud.
Kris: It went all the way up to the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice at that time was Skull and Bones. They basically declared in two sentences, with no debate, that corporations are people, and that’s how it has been ever since.
You have really revealed a lot of unknown history in your books. [For instance,] Nixon got his job by blackmailing the Dulles brothers.
John: Nixon was a naval officer at the Brooklyn Navy Yards, where he reviewed captured German documents. He discovered that the core of the Nazi shipping industry, which made the flagships for the German navy and the shells that killed American troops, he found that all these companies had one thing in common: they were represented by the Dulles brothers and investors on Wall Street. There were a lot of American firms like the Rockefellers and the Fords…
Kris: Prescott Bush.
John: The Bushes were in it up to their eyeballs. And they were put in charge of front groups. So American and British investors could put their money into what would become Nazi Germany, but their ownership would be disguised, so if anything went wrong, they could pull their money back out and no one would be the wiser.
So the Dulles brothers had set up a series of banks in neutral countries, in Germany, and in the United States, in New York City. So no matter who won World War Two, the investors would get their money back. Hitler would not have gone anywhere if not with these American and British investors that re-armed the Third Reich.