The Journey 110. Wayne Madsen: At The Precipice
Publisher RA “Kris” Millegan talks with Wayne Madsen, a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and columnist, about the 2022 mid-term elections, the economic downturn, the history of fascism in America, the January 6 chaos at the Capitol, and Donald Trump. (Follow Wayne’s work at waynemadsenreport(dot)com.)

Kris Millegan: Here we are, before a big election, and the quote-unquote economic powers, especially the gas and oil people, are doing things to make the electorate anxious and feel bad about things, because, as we know, when people get anxious and unsure of the future, they might do something rash like vote some silly people in.
Wayne Madsen: Yeah. Or re-elect some silly people already there. This is a conscious decision by the oil and energy companies, aided and abetted by Vladimir Putin, of course. What people are failing to realize is that this economic downturn started with the pandemic. It was Donald Trump’s inaction and that of his incompetent administration.
I think President Biden deserves a lot of credit for taking a terrible situation and trying to get us back on an even keel. I liken his efforts to those of Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s, who was elected because of the Republican depression, and it was very, very hard to get the economy back in shape, to get people back to work.
But eventually he got there.
The January Six Committee has uncovered what amounts to a major conspiracy by the Trump Administration, aided and abetted by the Pentagon, members of the Secret Service, agents of the FBI – it wasn’t an insurrection, it was an attempted coup – and they had support at least with one justice on the Supreme Court, and it almost succeeded.
We would have seen Trump declare the Insurrection Act in force, martial law, and it may have been the last honest election this country ever had.
Kris: We published Daniel Estulin’s latest book, GLOBAL PROJECTS AT WAR: Tectonic Processes of Global Transformation, which talks about the different quote-unquote power centers, and basically their posit was that by 2045 America would cease to exist, because there’s so much division here, and we don’t have “a strong man” that can step in and stop the division, and so our democratic republic is just going to fall away.
And it does seem as though there are people who are actively working toward that sort of agenda.

Wayne: Trump Tower, from the minute it opens – I believe it was ’84 – it was under surveillance, because the people that moved in included a lot of gangsters. Basically it was like a central location for gangsters in New York, of every nature. Russian gangsters. Nefarious people from other republics of the former Soviet Union that came to this country with lots of money. Tons of money.
It was the headquarters for the world soccer association, FIFA, which is racked by corruption. So the FBI had every reason in the world to be monitoring that building. Unfortunately, the FBI seems penetrated by Trumpers. Not that they had much credibility to begin with.