The Journey 107. Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould: JFK and the Knights Templar
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould about their new book, THE VALEDICTION: Resurrection, the connection between the Knights Templar and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the threat the Fitzgerald family posed to the British Crown, the reality of mystical realms and how narratives are used to free or enslave minds.

Kris: Looking at your journey, what do you think was the most important part that really opened up your eyes?
Liz: Witnessing the effect that the [1979] Soviet invasion of Afghanistan had on Washington. We had been working with [the Washington bureaucracy on détente and the whole idea of peace coming to the world through this new relationship with the Soviet Union].
What happened was a total disillusionment. The idea of peaceful coexistence literally evaporated overnight. The thing that really got our attention was that it was as if nobody else noticed it.
Paul: We found ourselves kind of in the middle of this transfer of authority after the end of the Vietnam War, from 1976 to 1980. Because of my television show, we talked to a lot of the people who had been instrumental … John Kenneth Galbraith became kind of a confidant because he made himself available. We began piecing things together.
Al Lowenstein, at a function for the Kennedys in New Hampshire when Ted Kennedy was challenging Jimmy Carter for the nomination in 1980, said, “Since you’re family, I can tell you what I think is happening with the Kennedy assassinations. I’ve got the people all lined up to tell the secrets about who was behind the assassination [RFK’s?], but we gotta get Teddy as the president in order for them to be protected so we can get it done.”
[Allard Lowenstein, a former congressman, was fatally shot on March 14, 1980, by Dennis Sweeney, a “former Lowenstein protégé … After the shooting, the gunman walked out of Lowenstein’s office, put his 9mm semiautomatic pistol on a secretary’s desk, lit a cigarette and sat down to await police, according to witnesses. … Sweeney, once a dashing student leader at Stanford University whom Lowenstein recruited for civil rights work in Mississippi in 1964, has a history of mental disorders and has been hospitalized briefly at least once, according to friends in the San Francisco area.” -The Washington Post, March 15, 1980. Was Sweeney a mind-controlled, CIA-created “Manchurian candidate” assassin? –Bruce de Torres]
Liz: But we really didn’t walk through that mystical door and seriously open our eyes until 1987. We had seven years of trying to figure out what really happened to cause the Soviet Union to cross the border into Afghanistan, versus what was coming out of the evening news.
We came to realize that we could not restrict ourselves to only looking at it as investigative journalists. We had this automatic sense within ourselves. It’s being open to subtleties. We were taking our dreams seriously [and had] a big shift to realizing that dreams were not necessarily personal.
[After seeing the movie JFK] we decided to take our ideas to Oliver Stone and [had] this dream door [open].

Paul: We started writing screenplays in 1987. We used the Syd Field guide. He laid it out beautifully. The three parts that you had to do. Plot point one, plot point two and plot point three. That was like a secret code that he revealed. … And you realize that that is what life is really like. … we began to see a lot of things in a different light and why certain myths stick and other ones just disappear.
We started to take that kind of story-telling analysis and look at the Afghan story and the way in which we had participated in it … when we started working with Oliver Stone, that forced us to be introspective in terms of how we came to the conclusion of what motivated us to do these things. [We realized that] there’s something else going on here …
Kris: We’re part of the quote-unquote cancel culture. TrineDay doesn’t have a Wikipedia page. We get very little mainstream [coverage]. As one gentleman said, we basically get ruled by rich people who aren’t very reputable.
You being a Fitzgerald, did you hear things about the JFK assassination, just being in Boston and being in the Fitzgerald family?
Paul: My father’s best friend was the Ringling Brothers’ circus doctor. J. Y. Henderson. He was from south Texas. [We would see him in 1958, ’59, ’60.] And everyone was excited about the Kennedys’ involvement in politics and [JFK] running for president in 1960. And J. Y. said, “Boy, do they hate him down there [in Texas]. If I were him, I wouldn’t go down there.
Liz: The deep research Paul was doing into the Fitzgerald family [that we took to Oliver Stone] was generated by a dream our daughter had in 1991. Paul’s father, who had died before Alissa was born, came to her in a dream with a man who turned out to be eight hundred years old. Paul said instantly, “I have to do research on my family to find out what my father – he was obviously trying to send me some kind of message. And I have to figure it out.”
Kris: 1991 was when the movie JFK came out. And a lot of things started to unravel for the people in the shadows when Antony Sutton started to talk about Skull and Bones.
You know Ringling Brothers [circus] was used by the intelligence agencies for many different things. In the JFK lore there’s [reference to] a safe house provided within the circus community, to move people around without much notice.
Paul: Boston University was up to its ears in CIA operations, covert operations. Liz and I both worked on my cousin’s campaign in 1976 when he was running for congress, and I said, “That’s it. I love this stuff.” I loved meeting all these people who were politically connected.
Kris: You have talked about 11/22 being a date of retribution for the Knights Templar. Where did you run across that fact?
Paul: That’s in a book by a guy I think by the name of Ledbetter. A Masonic book that was written I think in the 19th Century. And he lays out all these different rituals that were connected to Masonic ritual.
I had already found out from a book, FIRE AND BLOOD, written by a high level Mason, and he talked about the Papal edict that came down that crushed the Knights Templar. [It] came out on November 22, 1307. It deprived them of their wealth and their strength and their unity.
Kris: One thing I’ve been looking at for years is the mystical part of the JFK assassination. Because when I look at it really hard, I see ducks that were put in a row before he was even elected, because it’s part of this grand narrative to befuddle and bamboozle the populace so [the people in the shadows] can rule through lies basically.
When you look at the assassination and where it happened, you had a trident there [the three streets merging together], right across from the first Masonic temple there [in Dallas] on bloody Elm Street right next to the Trinity River, right at the thirty-third degree parallel.

Some people have talked about the alchemical formula that these people had to perform so that their rule would be established. And the first part was to destroy primordial matter. The first atomic bomb [test] was at the Trinity site very near the thirty-third degree parallel.
The second part was to kill the king. I was a kid during the JFK assassination. And they worked very hard to present him as this king in Camelot. And they killed him on 11/22. [And the third part was to bring star material to earth, which they supposedly did with the moon landing.]
Paul: There is a long record of the Fitzgeralds and their involvement with these royal families and these secret societies that goes back to the 11th Century. That’s what we began to uncover piece by piece by piece.
Liz: [For four hundred years leading up to 1583 when the last Earl of Desmond was beheaded] there was something going on with the Fitzgeralds, especially the ones who ended up in southern Ireland, in Desmond country, that really disturbed London and the Crown. There’s a fear of the power represented by the Fitzgeralds, when they got to Ireland and made it clear over the four hundred years that they had basically married the land of Ireland.
Someone who is part of that elite world [of the Crown], when you basically betray them by going with the people, you really have committed treason. And we think that is part of the attitude that JFK had engendered in the elites, too. He was showing such signs of being with the people of the world and being against colonialism, of being able to put stops in the most powerful circumstances, being surrounded by the Joint Chiefs of Staff pushing him hard to bomb Cuba when the Cuban Missile Crisis happened.
The strength he showed, and the willingness to use that strength to really try and shift the world really must have scared those people.