The Journey 106. Daniel Estulin: The Global Mafia and the Hidden History of Control
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Daniel Estulin (THE TRUE STORY OF THE BILDERBERG GROUP) about THE VALEDICTION: Resurrection (by Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould), the global mafia and how they control us (they make us hate each other and our country), and our defense (learn the hidden history of control from TrineDay books and spread the word).

Daniel: When [Trudeau] announced [Covid-19] and said they’re shutting schools down for three weeks “just in case,” I said to myself, “This doesn’t smell good. Let’s get the hell out of Canada.” So we went to Mexico on the 17th of March, 2020, and on the 21st, four days later, the government shut the borders down and the rest is history.
I speak Spanish fluently. I work with a lot of different governments in Latin America. Fidel Castro loved our book on the Bilderbergers and invited me over and we spent a week together, the last week in August 2010.
Kris: I hear our books are very popular in Latin America and South America.
You know we’ve been doing this book THE VALEDICTION: Resurrection (by Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould). And they’ve been talking about narratives. [The people in the shadows] will pick particular people [like Nixon] to create these narratives, to make us think certain things.
Daniel: [Paul and Liz] are the real deal. They know what they’re talking about. They’ve done all the footwork. They’re not only investigative journalists. They have all the data and all the information. It’s fascinating because it goes into the esoteric elements, which to a lot of people is difficult to fathom.

When you start putting it together … the Kennedys, [the Fitzgerald family’s] roots going way back in time – it’s a fascinating story. [When I interviewed them] we talked about THE DA VINCI CODE – what if? But [their book, THE VALEDICTION: Resurrection] isn’t a what-if. This is the real deal.
Because I write books that basically analyze from a conceptual perspective the way that the control grid works. The way secret societies work. The way these private organizations historically have worked together to control humanity.
This is one of the reasons why I was so fascinated to talk to Liz and Paul. Because they go way back in time. We’re talking about eight hundred years. We’re talking about the Knights Templar, all kinds of things, which to most people make no sense at all until you start putting it all together from a conceptual point of view. It’s an amazing story, and to everyone [hearing this], please go read their books.
You’re an expert on the control grid. CIA-drugs is part of the control grid. I think what we’re seeing is a race against time. Because the elite is [sic] running out of time. I want to explain how it works.
Imagine you’re a global mafia. And you want to control every country in the world. How do you do that? One of the ways is make people hate each other. Look at the United States. Case in point. And also, make people hate their country. Again, look at the United States.
Therefore, globally, you have demonstrations, you have lawlessness, you have depression, you have conflict. And what do people want? Order. And how do you give them order? Dictatorship, police state, big brother, big data, social rating. All the things we see today in the forefront. And so this global disorder, to bring humanity close to this global control … war on terror, war on drugs, war on radicalism, war on Covid, whichever war you want.
And so the bureaucratic control mechanism in every country is under the control of the same people, and the objective, again, is you sell people despair, you sell people hopelessness, and it is working. I think the numbers are over one hundred and thirty million Americans, about 35%, are on anti-depressants.
And globally in 2019, the last year before Covid insanity, Western Europeans – not people in impoverished countries, but wealthy Europeans – spent $900 billion dollars on psychiatrists. As a rhetorical question, is that a healthy society? Not. It’s not.
So again, the elements of control, there are two. Make people hate each other, and we’re seeing that in America. We’re seeing that in Canada. We’re seeing that in Europe. It doesn’t matter if it’s Trump, anti-Trump. Abortion, anti-abortion. Whatever you want – black, white, yellow, orange. And then you make people hate their country and so you dismantle it from within.
This is one of the things that I love about TrineDay Publishing. You guys publish books that deal with all these issues.
Kris: We have 160 titles.
Daniel: They’re all amazing books. Because they explain to people the hidden history of control. And we need to understand how this control grid works. Otherwise, we have no chance as humanity.
We want to be independent and think for ourselves.