The Journey 105. Whitney Webb: Epstein, the Clintons, and the Bush Crime Family
Publisher Kris Millegan talks with Whitney Webb about her new book (in 2 volumes), ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL: The Sordid Union between Intelligence and Organized Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein, and…
…Epstein’s many visits to Mark Middleton at the Clinton White House, Middleton’s alleged suicide this year, and other suspicious deaths of Clinton people, like commerce secretary Ron Brown,
…how the Clintons are basically lieutenants in the Bush Crime Family,
…and the folks in the shadows who have long worked to “rule the world” through China.

Whitney: We talked about doing the book in January 2020, and the world got turned on its head after that [with Covid and the book took longer than we expected]. I lost child care for almost all of 2020 because they closed everything down [where I live].
Kris Millegan: And then it grew. We had to split it into two books/volumes. We had a lot of pre-orders. I want to thank those people. The people who ordered before August 2022 will be getting both books. We will be asking those people if they want to help us defray the cost of them basically getting a free book.
The first book has been printed. The second one is being printed this week. We will be waiting for both books so we’ll just be making one shipment to people because freight prices keep going up. Between mid-September and the 22nd they should be getting books and we will be shipping.
A lot of the stuff that has been behind the curtain, because of the personal computer and the internet, much more has been revealed. We’re able to see the corruption.
What has been the most mind-blowing thing that you have uncovered? What have you come across that really shocked you?
Whitney: It would have to be the stuff about Jeffrey Epstein and the Clinton White House. Specifically, the person he was meeting with at the White House on most occasions was Mark Middleton, who was assistant to the chief of staff, Mack McLarty.
Until last year, the understanding was that Epstein had met with Middleton about five times. The Daily Mail [in the UK] last December published the complete visitor logs of Epstein at the Clinton White House, and it was about seventeen times, the amount of visits that actually did take place. And you would think that that would generate some coverage in the U.S., but no U.S. outlet covered it.

And then a few months later, Mark Middleton turns up dead in a very disturbing way. First, his body is found on a property that is linked to the Clinton Foundation, an NGO called Heifer International. Second, he is found hung from a tree. And thirdly, he, in addition to that, has a shotgun wound to the chest. And subsequently a court order is issued within Arkansas to prevent any sort of video footage, photograph, any sort of media depicting the death at all. It’s ruled a suicide, basically, in Clinton Era fashion, I guess you could say.
In the early days of the George W. Bush Administration there was an effort to investigate the scandals around Mark Middleton at the exact time that he was meeting with Jeffrey Epstein at the White House. And George W. Bush steps in just a few weeks before 9/11 in 2001 with his first invocation of executive privilege … to prevent documents about Mark Middleton being made available to congressional investigators.
Epstein was intimately tied to figures linked to intelligence. He’s been alleged to have been involved with Israeli intelligence specifically and once claimed to work for the CIA. He was potentially a double-agent, and I think that may have been what led to his demise, with warring factions, one of them, not so keen on Epstein by that point in time. He was a very complex individual, working in a lot of different theaters, I guess you could say.
Kris: And a lot of times, these people running around on the board, like Epstein, they can be double, triple, quadruple-agents and not all the time know exactly who they’re working for. And they’re also, to a certain extent, working for themselves. And I find it very telling that George W. Bush helped cover this up because at the end of the day what you generally find is the Clinton are lieutenants in the Bush Crime Family and really don’t operate so much on their own.
Then again we have all these dead people. We have Mr. [Ron] Brown of the Commerce Department. So it’s just a continuation of business as usual to a certain extent.
Whitney: It’s not only Ron Brown dying. It’s a plane crash that kills pretty much everyone on board. Many of them worked for the ITA at the Commerce Department, which was the part that [some people implicated in Clinton Era scandals] had sought to infiltrate. And Ron Brown’s body, when discovered at the [crash site], has a bullet wound in the skull that wasn’t caused by the plane crash.
Kris: The people in the shadows have been working for a long time, since Nixon and Kissinger, to quote-unquote rule the world through China. [George H. W. Bush was the first high-ranking American to go to China.] Because it’s much easier. If you start ruling from your own roost, people want to attack that. That’s how they’ve been playing these games.
But they ran into a problem [because] the people and the internet and the personal computer has really brought out a lot of this information, so it’s all not as hidden as they would have liked it to have been.