The Journey 101. Joseph P. Farrell: Mr. Globaloney and His Inevitable Collapse
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Joseph P. Farrell about our ancient origins, the worldwide mafia, and how to prepare for the future. Joseph has a doctorate in patristics (the study of the writings and background of the church fathers) from the University of Oxford. He pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff.” His books and other writings may be found at GizaDeathStardotcom.

Joseph: [I went to Oxford because I was] fed up with the state of American education in the 1980s. I wanted to … avoid all of the wokeism classes that even back then they were forcing on graduate and post-graduate students, particularly in a field like religion.
Kris: What lead you to [look into some dark corners of the universe]?
Joseph: I’ve always had an interest in ancient things. One night [my father and a friend] were talking about the great pyramid and all the weirdness about it. Neither bought the idea that it was some kind of pharaonic funerary monument. Once I left academia I decided to pursue some of these crazy notions that I had bouncing around in my noggin.
Kris: Recently we’ve been doing a [Zoom Roundtable series] on a book called THE VALEDICTION [by Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould]. And it’s led us to these stories about Ireland, and led us backwards to what seems to be a worldwide civilization, around 11,000 years back.
Joseph: I’m definitely onboard with it. The standard, as I call it, quackademic narrative just makes no sense. The narrative is that we were hunting and gathering for several hundred thousand years, and then all of a sudden, for no reason whatsoever, we decide to invent Sumer and Egypt and the Indus Valley and China with all of this mathematics and agricultural animal domestication and everything else that goes with it.
This mechanistic, materialistic, endless, limitless progress narrative has never struck me as being the truth of the matter at all. I tend more toward kind of a Vedic view that, if anything, there was a big devolution, or perhaps even a catastrophe of some sort, and then we’ve been slowly crawling our way back up ever since then. So I have no difficulty with the idea that there was a global civilization.
I wrote a book that [I say] is the centerpiece in the arch of everything I’ve written. And that book is called THE COSMIC WAR: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts. I think the worldwide tradition of a war of the gods is real. And this is the catastrophe, in one form or another, that all of these traditions around the world are dealing with. I’m four-square onboard with that idea.
What I call Americanism was just beginning to creep into education at Oxford [when I was there]. Now [Oxford has] become another woke university. That older tradition of letting people do their thing, provided they can do it up to the scholarly standard that they expect, that tradition has, I’m afraid, it looks like it’s all but died.
Kris: You’ve done some research into the Nazis also.
Joseph: Quite a bit. [I’ve written a number of what I call my Nazi books.] The last one in that series was called THE THIRD WAVE, basically about the Nazi plan for the European Union.
Kris: What are your thoughts on secret societies?
Joseph: What we’re looking at in a sense is a mafia … where you have all of these groups with their representatives sitting at the table, while out on the streets they’re shooting at each other. What I call this group of secret societies and so on and so forth, I call it Mr. Globaloney.
And as he approaches his goal of establishing control over the entire planet, the factions within this group are going to increasingly start shooting at each other, because they all want to be the dominant group when the show is over and the curtain rings down.
This is what I think we’re seeing right now, a mad scramble for power. And the western component of Mr. Globaloney doesn’t look like he’s in very good shape.
If you look at the cycles of human history, we’re obviously at the end of one of these cycles. But there’s a uniqueness about this particular one. And that is, we have not, in all the previous cycles, been facing a planetary-wide cycle at the same time. This is why I think that this period is so very deadly dangerous and why you see so many groups scrambling to maintain their control.
What I think is going to happen is, just at the moment that they are successful in implementing that system [of worldwide control], at that very moment, the system collapses. Because it doesn’t work. Because ultimately it’s anti-human. None of us want to live under that kind of system. Not even Mr. Globaloney. We’re creating this global Tower of Babel and we’re going to face a Tower of Babel moment again. I think they’re constructing a system that’s just going to break down.
Kris: What do you think people should do for the future?
Joseph: I’ve been telling people, first of all, you’ve got to own the culture. We’re now in a situation where all of our institutions are failing. So you literally have to own the culture. You have to be your own school. Your own library. You have to make sure you’ve got a good local food supply. Make sure you have some cash and ways to conduct transactions that are not in the hands of Mr. Globaloney. In other words, they’re not digital and all of that stuff.
A lot of people are starting to do precisely this just spontaneously. They’re starting to network locally with people again. I think that’s the best thing. It needs to be done.
Kris: There’s way more of us than there are of them. And I think we can just override their BS.
Joseph: When you get to [JFK’s assassination] and you see the same thing happening to Senator Kennedy, to Martin Luther King [Jr.] and even Ronald Reagan, and you’re thinking that these people who have seized power are going to keep doing this until their playbook is so obvious, no one is going to listen to them anymore. That’s where I think we are.