The Journey 97. Richard Grove: I See Their System Crashing. I See Freedom and Liberty Sparking Up
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Richard Grove about white-pilling people for hope, how people can be empowered at GetAUTONOMY dot info/ignite, his GrandTheftWorlddotcom podcast, and pushing our government beyond those who conspiratorially control it.

Richard: There’s a New York Times piece from November 4, 2001, that talks about the vaults and the gold under the World Trade Center complex. The people handling security for such things [were] owned by Marsh and McLennan, and AIG. I handled all of Marsh McLennan companies. And AIG, Hank Greenberg, they had nominated him to be Director of CIA.
AIG – I didn’t know this at the time – had the world’s largest private air force. AIG had been connected to the OSS, which founded AIG as an intelligence front. After I started pulling on the thread, the whole thing – who were my clients, what they were doing – started to unravel.
A couple of years later, [after] Michael Rupert’s “Truth and Lies of 9/11,” [I realized] this is a much bigger picture than I was looking at.
In [the 9/11] narrative, the more you dug, the more you find. You find “Tragedy and Hope” and Carroll Quigley and Antony Sutton and John Taylor Gatto and all these other people. They all have little pieces of this puzzle of how it’s all being done.
I ended up becoming a corporate whistleblower in 2003 under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which was supposed to protect America from accounting fraud and the sub-prime loan crisis that was all shenanigans. But there’s no evidence because they deleted it all. A ton of fraud was able to be committed from 2004 to 2009. They did it in front of everybody. I had sold that product. I found out there was a backdoor. I blew the whistle. I called the SEC, [whose attorney] threatened me. It was like talking to Agent Smith [of “The Matrix”].
Becoming a whistleblower, finding that those protections aren’t there – that was a good education. I sacrificed a multi-million-dollar career to read books for years. And then I thought, “I should tell other people what I’m learning.” And I built that into an online community. Then I taught myself cinematography and started making films. And I kept building, until we’ve got a marketing company today. We’ve got an elite training course for people to get the high value skills [that were taken out of education, to turn it into “schooling”].
Kris: 9/11 has caused a lot of people to look at [conspiracy/New World Order] material. Michael Rupert, God bless his soul, had gone through mind control as a kid. And he was sent into [the CIA-drugs research community], to try and control it. And then when 9/11 came, he was moved into there. And he did the little “conspiracy two-step tango,” and took people to “peak oil,” which was complete BS. Conspiracy-theory-land is filled with all kinds of interesting things, to say the least.
Richard: I talked about this yesterday with Sam Tripoli at Tin Foil Hat [podcast], about being “white pilled” and optimistic. Because I believe in the human capacity to learn. To invent. To overcome challenges. To work together. To communicate in new ways.
The pandemic, and Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset, and their world government summit and their great narrative summit, and Davos and Bilderberg and all the things they’ve said recently, have given us the ultimate media to show other people, to wake them up beyond reasonable doubt, that these people have a plan. They have aims on our property, on our future, on our families, and they’re coming at us.
And it is a state of war. We don’t see guns and missiles coming at us directly, but it’s full-spectrum dominance against any capacity to be self-reliant, to be self-fueling. They want to crush small businesses. They did a good job through the pandemic, but now they’re coming again.
The thing that plays in our favor is that they’re moving too fast. They’re waking too many people up. There’s going to be legitimate peaceful resistance. There are now people in society talking about these topics that you and I have been talking about for decades. [Podcasters and others] are talking about these things openly to millions and millions of subscribers who have never heard these ideas before.
Can we make ourselves more valuable through this internet technology experience right now? To rise above this. To offer more value to the world. To solve bigger problems. To overcome these gaps that are keeping us apart and keeping us from flourishing. Or are we going to sink under their repeating of, “Everything’s going to crash, everything’s going to crash, everything’s going to crash.”
Well, I see THEIR system crashing. But I also see the system of freedom and liberty, all these things, sparking up right now. And that’s what we need.
Kris: I love this white pill idea.