The Journey 85. Michael J. Cat: Child Abuse by the CIA
Publisher RA “Kris” Millegan talks with Michael J. Cat about his book, “QAnon & The #Pizzagates of Hell: Unreal Tales of Occult Child Abuse by The CIA” (available for pre-order now; being released on July 4, 2022), CIA-drugs: “the dark side,” mind control, child trafficking, and other horrors. (Michael is a para-politics researcher with a particular interest in determining the validity of conspiracy theories that might be otherwise written off by the public.)

Kris: In the early ‘70s, I decided to take on conspiracy theory as an intellectual discipline. At that time, conspiracy theory wasn’t the soup du jure like it is today. I found books that blamed [all our troubles] on [many individual groups]. I realized that these are kind of formula books to get people into little camps fighting each other.
My daddy had told me about intelligence services and drug running (narcotics importation) and war and secret societies. And then I came across what I called “CIA-drugs, the dark side.” The mind control. The manipulation of the human psyche through various means. The earliest groups, I call them “the priests and pirates.” The priests found out that if they made some smoke come out of some hole over there, the people would get all excited and bring them food and even bring them their daughters.
Then pirates – in a culture that was based on seafaring, you gathered a lot of knowledge that you could use to befuddle people who only knew their own little area. You could use that knowledge to manipulate them. Through history these groups, the priests and the pirates, have kind of solidified into groups that have been influencing our human trajectory from the shadows.
This podcast is called “The Journey” because our parents take us to church and send us to school, and I started looking into this stuff and thought, “Gosh, I didn’t learn about any of this in church and school.” Then you look at what these people do sometimes and you see that they kill people. They do dastardly things.
When we’re presented with this stuff, we have to take a journey to try and understand it and the implications of what they’re doing and what it means for our children and everything and a person has to do something. I mean, who wants to look into stuff where people are hurting children?
Michael, again, I really thank you for your book because there’s all kinds of mis- and dis-information out there and you really looked hard to uncover it.

Michael: Around 2016 I read a book called “Geohell: Imagining History in the Contemporary World” by Matt Kenner. He talks about Fletcher Prouty and possibly how FDR and Winston Churchill and Stalin and Chiang Kai-shek were sort of in cahoots towards the end of World War II, planning the Cold War and that’s still a topic that’s hard to swallow or understand, that the Cold War could have been somewhat pre-arranged or planned to fuel both sides of the global hegemony with communists versus capitalists. That book opened me up to the JFK assassination and other topics that previously I wouldn’t have ever touched.
Then when the Epstein scandal broke, when he got arrested – this guy who’s supplying minors to Bill Clinton and Donald Trump – I knew it could blow the whole thing open. Then I started hearing really strange stories related to pizzagate. It sounded absurd. Hillary Clinton and John Podesta trafficking children to pizza shops in DC and performing satanic rituals. Because the Epstein stuff was real, as far as I could tell, I was wondering, “Is this pizzagate stuff real, too?” So I started looking into it.
As I explored it, I found out that some portion of this stuff is real and [another] portion of it is inaccurate and designed to cloud and muddy the waters of the accurate information. It was a journey. It’s hard to operate in the consensus reality with the understanding that sometimes the CIA and other forces actually traffic children for various reasons.
Kris: You’re right. Part of the shtick is to blow the stuff out of proportion so it looks to somebody that’s just casually looking at it that “this couldn’t be true.”
In mind control, the first thing is trance. A person has to go into a trance. And trance effects everyone differently. Some people go into deep trances. It’s an individual thing as to how trance effects people. And then you have trauma and role-playing because maybe you wouldn’t do something as you, but would you do it if you were a character of “The Wizard of Oz” or some cultural character? And then you have ritual, and those are the main things that are involved in mind control.
In 1969 my father told me, “Communism’s all a sham. These same secret societies are behind it all. It’s all a big game.” [Is Kris implying that secret society members who do evil things are mind controlled to think they are characters in a game in which no one is really hurt and nothing really matters? –Bruce de Torres]
Just like a person can be mind-controlled [so can a people and a country]. The Kennedy assassination was that. It was a psychological trauma-ritual to keep us in line and to make us kind of aware that “there seem to be people up [there] that are doing things but we don’t really know and so …”
When you finally see that there are people that are using kids for blackmail purposes, doesn’t that just devastate you?
Michael: It’s one of the most tragic things that you can imagine, especially as a parent. It’s the most heartbreaking thing you can imagine.
Kris: Early on I went to some mind control survivor conferences. One thing you learn there is that the Number One people that they experimented on were women who worked for the federal government because they could kind of keep track of them. You would also find people that had become doctors of psychology and psychiatry both, just so they could understand themselves.
I found mind control in the military. The US Army and bigtime in the Air Force. It would be in academe. A lot at Yale. Also, it’s in places I call “wells.” Places where it’s been happening for a long time. And you have an interesting fellow, Leslie King Jr., who’s known to us as [President] Gerald Ford. He had gone through the football program. From Omaha [where you have a lot of mind control activity and Offutt Air Force Base] he went to Michigan and then, where? To Quantico, Virginia [home of the largest US Marine Corp base] and to New Haven, Connecticut [home of Yale University and Skull and Bones]. That’s where he got his law degree. It would be very helpful to people in the shadows to have people like that running around.
If you are fomenting a conspiracy that is beyond your lifetime as a multi-generational conspiracy, how are you going to accomplish that? In the occult, you have multi-generationality. And then in pedophilia you have multi-generationality. Because if you are molested as a child, you tend to molest as an adult. So if I want to keep some conspiracy and control and keep it within a particular family, that would tend to lead you into occult and pedophilic circles.
Michael: It makes a lot of sense. (Abuse is generational even if it’s not pedophilia.) It seems like a convenient way to control one generation after the next. Now I feel like it’s to the point where, using social media and just the culture at large, it seems like they’ve got it down to science.
Kris: We’ve gotten to a situation where we can’t trust our information. We have a hard time figuring out what’s true and what’s not true.
Michael: The biggest solution for one individual would be learn how to do some permaculture gardening and live as off the grid as possible, and then also network with the surrounding community and try to spread local food and off-the-grid living styles so that when shit really does hit the fan climate-wise and nuclear war-wise or covid bioweapon-wise, you can just grow the food and not have to rely on the massive industrial agricultural system and capitalism to give you the resources you need to survive.