The Journey 84. Whitney Webb: The Network Behind Epstein
Publisher RA “Kris” Millegan talks with Whitney Webb, professional writer, researcher and journalist, about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, the elite to whom they supplied minors for sex, and Whitney’s book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence And Organized Crime That Gave Rise To Jeffrey Epstein” (available for pre-order now at TrineDay and Amazon and being released on July 22, 2022).

Kris: I spent many, many years studying intelligence and how intelligence operates. You come across honey pots. That’s some sort of intelligence operation to gain information and [for] blackmail purposes to control people. What were your thoughts when you first ran across this, the use of these children, the destruction of these children that are being used by these intelligence agencies and other people for nefarious purposes? How did you deal with it?
Whitney: This type of stuff is something that I have to compartmentalize to be even able to write about it. I had written a lot about war, which included the Yemen conflict where a huge amount of children are starving all the time because of blockades and sanctions imposed on that country. The pictures out of there are consistently horrible and you sort of have to be able to separate yourself from the emotional reaction it has on you to be able to write about it because I think it’s important that people know. It’s emotionally devastating to think about that happening to even just one child and when you start to add up just how many children are impacted by [war and organized abuse], it’s mind-boggling.
And with the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, I’ve had the most situations where I’ve felt unable, really, to keep that compartmentalization the way I try to have it to be able to stay sane while writing about this really awful stuff. When you’re talking to someone who actually lived through that and had their life destroyed by it, it’s really hard.

Kris: I still have such a hard time getting my head around the FBI actually facilitating some of this activity. It just drives me nuts. Is this an official government action that they’re doing? Is it rogue? Is it covered up by some secret presidential finding or intelligence operation?
Whitney: The group I think that was ultimately bankrolling Epstein was The Mega Group, which was co-founded by Leslie Wexner and one of the Bronfmans in 1991. But according to Ari Ben-Menashe and others, Robert Maxwell had recruited Epstein into intelligence, and with Maxwell’s daughter Ghislaine, they had relationships for several years prior to 1991.
Maxwell was attempting to enter the US. He wanted to make a big splash in New York, specifically. The people who sort of coached his entry into New York social life were major founding members of The Mega Group, along with a man who was a big-time sexual blackmailer for the CIA. It appears that Robert Maxwell was seeking to use the sexual blackmail operation to expand his personal empire as well, so it wasn’t just The Mega Group which was focused on Zionist policy goals, specifically blackmailing who would become the next president, Bill Clinton.
What I wanted to focus on in the book has to do with how this network came to be. And so I’m focusing a lot on things in the US, the rise of sort of this union between Wall Street, the mafia – specifically the New York-based mafia, the national crime syndicate – and the CIA and how really all of them engage in sort of this blackmail behavior and how it’s sort of the norm among these power elites in New York and in these intelligence agencies and these other factions that you see represented here.
The United States and other governments have been controlled by blackmail to a still unknown extent but I think it’s pretty clear [it’s] to a significant extent for decades. It really shatters the illusion of democracy.
So much of people’s knowledge of the world today has been concentrated on the internet, and a lot of people have heard about this effort to sort of regulate – clamp down on the internet. There’s going to be some sort of cyber-pandemic they say. And they’re going to need to create a driver’s license for the internet. They want to scrub and censor a bunch of content to keep us safe and all of that. That’s essentially digital book burning, not unlike what happened at the library at Alexandria so long ago when all of the knowledge of the old world was in this one building and then it burns down and what’s left? So there’s a very important place for print books.
Kris: I really appreciate your courage. Because you don’t have to do this. You could do something else, I’m sure.
Whitney: The way I see it, once you know this stuff is there and you have a platform to share it and raise awareness about it – I mean, I obviously want this type of stuff to stop. I don’t want my kids to grow up in this kind of world. So I see it as something that I don’t really have a choice but to continue doing.
I personally kind of see it as a duty. Some people were content to sit back and have the world become this way and do nothing about it and I don’t want to be one of those people. That’s sort of what keeps me in this line of work, doing what I do. People need to stand up to these tactics [bribes, bullets and blackmail] and that starts with exposing it and raising awareness about it but it’s really incumbent on everyone to say, “No, thanks. I don’t want to live in a world run by these maniacs.”