The Journey 81. Christopher Fulton: How Save America?
Publisher RA “Kris” Millegan talks with Christopher Fulton (co-author of THE INHERITANCE: POISONED FRUIT OF JFK’S ASSASSINATION) about the corruption of government since the JFK assassination, the agenda of the elite, our heritage and freedom at stake, and they debate various solutions (voting in honest elections, increasing the number of congressmen, civil disobedience, and more) with vigor.

Chris: President Kennedy realized that he was under great threat and he [decided that he] wasn’t going to be the Cold Warrior that they expected him to be and go along with the agendas. He was going to do something while he was in the office and he certainly made that decision consciously. And he understood the ramifications of that. He took great effort to not only … end the Cold War but to get us off this Federal Reserve System. This enslavement.

All of these agendas are coming up now. It isn’t about health. It’s not about “following the science.” It used to be, fifty years ago, you had governments that would regulate big business. What they’ve done now is they’ve merged together in an effort to circumvent our electoral process. We don’t have a government for the people and by the people any longer. We have a corporate dictatorship.
Kris: And how are we going to change that?
Christopher: We’ve got to get back to the Constitution. We have to take that power back. And that doesn’t happen by sitting and watching television.
Kris: No. It happens by activism.
Christopher: More important are the vaccine passports.
Kris: We’ve had vaccine passports for schools for years. What is the difference?
Christopher: The difference is ID2020 with GAVI [the Vaccine Alliance, gavi dot org] and The [Bill and Melinda] Gates Foundation … They need to tie all of our information into a digital system that includes passports, our driver’s license, all of our health records.
Kris: And what is the problem with that?
Christopher: They have to have every man, woman and child into that system to make the new AI system of digital currency work. That’s the slavery. Digital currency.
Kris: Like you said, get back to the Constitution. The Constitution talks about specie. [Money in the form of coins rather than notes.] The thing to do is to get more people into Washington DC as our representatives. I mean, what are we looking to do? Are we going to have a shooting war? Are we going to make people do what we want through a gun? The solution is in the vote. Give the American people an honest vote.
Christopher: We don’t have a vote. The CIA controls our vote. We don’t have a vote.
Kris: Yes, we do.
Christopher: No, we don’t.