The Journey 75. Wayne Madsen: Far-Right Fascists Want Total Control
Publisher RA “Kris” Millegan talks with Wayne Madsen about his new book, “THE RISE OF THE FASCIST FOURTH REICH: The Era of Trumpism and the New Far Right” (published by WayneMadsenReportdotcom, available at Amazon), Donald Trump’s role in the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, and democracy under assault by fascist groups here and around the world.

Kris: I was hoping to get your thoughts about what happened last year and what we might look forward to.
Wayne: [Trump’s minions] had a code name for their operations, “Green Bay Sweep.” They were going to try to throw out the electoral votes of six states. This was a full-blown criminal conspiracy by seditionists. The radicals may take over this year.
Kris: The factional fighting that’s going on now was even worse during the Revolutionary War.
Wayne: I would suggest that there’s been a part of the Republican Party that’s always been on the current [path] of fascism. Fred Trump Sr. [the president’s father] was in the Ku Klux Klan in the late 1920s. It’s certain that he transitioned in the early ‘30s to The Friends of New Germany, which changed their name to The German-American Bund, the American Nazis. They were funded by Nazi Germany. In the 1960s he came under investigation for his construction links with the Mafia in New York.
Kris: And you had the operation of covering up the Bushes and the Dulles-es in the Nazi economy, and IBM and Ford and all of this.
Wayne: And some of these same people were involved in what they call The Business Plot to overthrow Franklin Roosevelt. We almost had a Nazi insurrection in 1934. The man who blew the whistle on them, who worked with them to get the goods on them, was [Major] General Smedley Butler.
Kris: The tragedies that have happened in America from its ruling class and basically through the secret societal network are tragic and legend
and are hidden from our history. It’s just insane and terrible. The world was different before America was formed. And there’s a reason for it to continue. I try and publish books about it. And we get completely ignored.
Wayne: The January 6 [2021] insurrection not only involved members of the House, certain members of the Senate, members of the [Trump] Administration, and officials in the Pentagon, who stood down the National Guard, but foreign governments who were aligned with Trump.
Kris: Watching the insurrection on TV, you had some people who were obviously military going in there with objectives.
Wayne: What did they get on the laptops they stole? I have to give it to the staffers who said, “We gotta get those wooden ballot boxes,” that had the certification votes from the states for the electoral votes. That was Trump’s whole intention. He wanted to delay the certification so his allies could object to these six states. Now we know that was called The Green Bay Sweep. They wanted to invoke the Electoral Count Act of 1877, which was used to deny the winner of the presidential election [Samuel Tilden of New York] and give it to the Republican, Rutherford B. Hayes.
Kris: That was a deal mostly shepherded by Skull and Bones people to end Reconstruction and start the Jim Crow era. This was where the secret societies, especially Skull and Bones, started their heavy infiltration of the United States government and started using it for their own plans instead of the American people’s plans. It’s very well documented out there.
We have two big black operations that were set up in the United States. One was drugs. And the other was continuance of government. The drugs was Arkansas. You had a mountainous state and you had the Rockefellers. And the continuance of government was West Virginia and again you had some Rockefellers in there. A lot of the corruption that has been put into the United States has come through those two big black operations. And that’s one reason why I’ve worked very hard to make drugs legal, because the only reason why drugs were illegal is to keep in place a black market which allows people in the shadows to sell plants for more than gold, which gives them huge amounts of slush funds, which allows them to take over industries [and corrupt politicians].
I’m very hopeful. A lot of truth is getting out there. You’re still doing your Wayne Madsen Report and people can still sign up for that? [At]
Wayne: Yes. Daily news reports. Still doing it. Been doing it since 2005.