The Journey 74. S.K. Bain: Trauma, The Elite’s Favorite Tool
Publisher RA “Kris” Millegan talks with S.K. Bain about his books (“The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 As Mass Ritual,” “Black Jack: The Dawning of a New Great Age of Satan,” and “The End Is Only the Beginning: 2022 and The Coming of God”), the elite and the psychological warfare used against us.

Kris: When did you first run across Aleister Crowley?
S.K.: In the late 2000s when I stated trying to make some sense of 9/11 and all the things that didn’t fit into the conventional explanation and started to encounter evidence of black magic being incorporated into the script and that led to markers that ended up being closely associated with references to Crowley.
Kris: I enjoy your humor in your writing. When you’re writing about this deep, dark stuff, it helps to have some humor. I basically look at Cayce as mysticism and Crowley as ceremonial magic in the western tradition. Crowley talks about in magic that it has to happen somehow. That’s one of the reasons I published your book, “The Most Dangerous Book in The World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual.” Because [we have] these people in the shadows trying to use ritual magic, these huge rituals to affect our lives here on this planet and to affect political decisions that are made by people. So your book [“Black Jack”] was to lay out [other] things [that might happen] ahead of time because then it’s harder for the people in the shadows to pull them off because then they don’t have the [element of surprise].
S.K. You get deep enough into this stuff, [you see that ] ideas and consciousness shape our world. Shape our reality. And the elites spend so much time manipulating our consciousness because that mass consciousness shapes reality so they use us as a tool to literally create the type of world that they want to see. If you really understand how deep this goes, how far back this goes, what is really being done, it is a spiritual war. The numbers, symbols, signs, pentagrams – they’re incorporated for multiple reasons. So shedding light on it, exposing it, trying to create a counter-narrative, that might seem like minor steps. But you can’t dismiss the mystical side, the supernatural, the white magic that can be brought to bear.
Kris: Magic is as magic does. Sacred geometry is inherent within itself. There’s been this chatter about an alchemical formula that the people in the shadows have been using to herd us along into what they would like to happen. Do you have any reasons as to why are they doing this to us?
S.K. Only conjecture. The idea that they’re transmuting us into something of their design. To create transhumans. And not just embedded chips and bio-circuitry or cyborgs but to create us in the image of their dark powers, their dark gods, completely subservient, without any sort of conscience or moral compass, transmuting us from the creation of God to a completely inhuman, unholy re-born creature that they control.
Kris: You look at old movies, we’ve got a lot of dystopian ones out there. They’re taking war into the future and war into space and we’ve got aliens and we don’t like them and they don’t like us and we’ve got to fight everybody. A lot of that is just narrative as far as I’m concerned. I really see that their quote-unquote power is slipping. Your book, “The End is Only the Beginning,” really distills a lot of what is happening. It’s basically a clock.
S.K.: And we are at twelve midnight.
Kris: What’s going to happen?
S.K.: Anything from a real apocalypse to a fabricated apocalypse to the slowest news days in history. It’s so difficult to project what might happen. Anything is possible. This clock is one that they utilize and have utilized for centuries. It comes to an end right now. The winter solstice of 2021 and moving into the first of 2022, that is the Omega/Alpha point. The end of the current 26,000-year “great age” and the beginning of the new great age. In the books, we’ve given some good guesses as to what might occur. And we’re in the middle of a global pandemic. We could argue that they’re doing what they planned to do. Global bio-terror. They might do something [else] spectacular in the next week or so. Set off some fireworks to herald the dawn of the new great age. They worship Sirius, the true spiritual sun. New Year’s Eve marks the return of the Dog Star, Sirius, to mid-heaven at midnight. And that’s why we start our New Year every year at that time.