The Journey 69. RA “Kris” Millegan at the JFK Assassination Conference, 2021
“My Theory of the JFK Assassination”

RA “Kris” Millegan’s remarks on receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award from the JFK Historical Group at the JFK Assassination Conference in Dallas, Texas – November 20, 2021.
Kris: Thank you, Judyth Vary Baker. It’s been very interesting, the journey that I’ve been on. My father told me some stuff I didn’t understand many years ago. And it led me here. And I became a publisher.
I was running an email list about CIA-drugs. A friend, Daniel Hopsicker, was on there saying, “I’ve got a book in New York and it’s just circling in New York. It’s with an agent. Nobody’s going to publish it. It’s been there for two years.” I finally said, “Okay, Daniel. I’ve got a computer on my desk. They tell me I can make a book. Come on out.” So we made “Barry and The Boys.” About Barry Seal.
And then a good friend of mine, Professor (Antony) Sutton, his book, “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones” – he called me and said that it’s going out of print. I said, “Antony, that can’t happen.” So I went out and borrowed five thousand dollars and started a publishing company and now I’m more in debt than I ever thought I could be. All of a sudden there was a bunch of books circling New York and these people started throwing them at me, sending them to me. And I started publishing them and it’s been very interesting. Books are very important. Books are very, very important. I like them. I learn things from them.
I’m going to tell my basic theory of the JFK assassination. Some people didn’t wake up in like ’62 and say, “Hey, we’re going to kill the president.” If you look at it really hard, you find ducks put in a row before JFK was even elected. The main thing about the assassination was that it was a psychological hit on the American people and a quote-unquote magical act. When you kill the king on bloody Elm Street in a ritual kill zone, Dealey Plaza, it is a magical act. You killed the king. You took his power. Everybody knew they did it. At Happy Hour they were clinking their glasses. You know the psychological effect that that has on this country? And the JFK assassination is a lynchpin in these guys from the shadows, in their power and control. Officially, right now, still, Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy. And the CIA has nothing to do with drugs.
We live in very interesting times. There’s a paradigm shift happening. And it’s very hard for an organization to go through a paradigm shift and land on the other side on their feet. And the way they’re trying to do that with us is to make us accept as a country, as a people, as a world that Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK. Because if we will believe that JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, what else won’t they be able to put over on us? It’s one of the lynchpins. They’ve got to shove that down our throat. It has to be part of the canon of our life for them to continue control.
I’m really hopeful for the future. I talk a lot to school teachers and professors. One of the main questions I ask them is, “How are those kids that you’re talking to?” Some of them say, “Well, some of those kids are in the fetal position because it’s very hard dealing with what we have to deal as people and accept all the stuff that they tell us.” But they also tell me that these kids, they’re more open-minded, they’re more into looking. And I really think that change has to happen. We can’t continue having a government that just lies to us. We need to get rid of the corruption.
My basic thing is that we have sovereign countries. But above them is this thing I call the “secret societal system,” where they’re able to reach down [and mess with events to advance their agendas]. People say [the JFK assassination] was a CIA hit. I don’t think there were official CIA papers on it. There were obviously people from the Secret Service involved. Was it a Secret Service hit? It was a secret societal hit where they’re able to come down in and play with these different things.
Their main crew, and it comes from a guy by the name of Trent Parker and he was Naval Intelligence and they were shadowing Hoover, and they got a phone conversation. And on that phone conversation you had Hoover and Johnson. They’re your low men on the totem pole. They’re so blackmail-able, they’re in your pocket. You can make them do whatever you want them to do. Then you have Allen Dulles. He’s the consigliore. And above him you have George H. W. Bush and Nelson Rockefeller. And then to the side you have David Rockefeller and [W.] Averell Harriman, a member of the Order of Skull and Bones.
Books are just very, very powerful. Books change people’s lives. I’m looking to turn TrineDay into a co-op where authors are more participatory. Some sort of a non-profit. So people can publish these books. Books are very important. I’d like to see it continue on. Making a publishing platform for the people. I wish that everybody was on the same page. But we aren’t. The powers-that-be would rather we not know the truth. But we need to continue on to find it. Our republic needs to survive.
My good friend Antony Sutton [“America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to The Order of Skull and Bones”] said, “Don’t think that you yourself are going to bring these people down. But all of us together just doing our thing and their evil is going to fall out of their own weight.” Onwards!