The Journey 64. Francis Richard Conolly: Bloodless Revolution is Possible
Publisher RA “Kris” Millegan talks with Francis Richard Conolly about his new book, “JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick” (based on Francis’s documentary, which became a global phenomenon with over a billion hits online, seen by hundreds of thousands while banned by the mainstream media), pedophilia at the highest levels (Prince Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump), and the chance for bloodless revolution by people sick of being ruled by pedophiles.

Kris: It seems quite obvious that some elites through these secret societies are orchestrating some events here to their own advantage, and part of those events is the rape of children. And they are using secrecy to continue in their power. [And] they use their base in intelligence to be able to look at everybody else while shielding their own secrets. How do we stop that?
Francis: Only through revolution.
Kris: Through a gun?
Francis: I think we’ve reached a point technologically where it’s possible to have a bloodless [revolution] against the Establishment. And the reason I say that is because I do feel that the Establishment are now losing this battle. And I think that the Prince Andrew affair, the Epstein affair, the Ghislaine Maxwell affair shows you that that they are losing. They have lost control at the same time that your work and my work and the work of others has come along and made the public skeptical as never before about what they’re receiving from the elite.
As George Orwell said, I think in “The Lion and the Unicorn,” the elites can stand moral force until the cows come home. The only thing that they fear is physical force. And that’s very true. It’s all about the strong men and what the strong men decide to do. But I think that they know that they’re losing the battle with that.
A few weeks ago, headlines said that the Queen wants Prince Andrew to remain as the head of the military. And all of the leaders of the various forces had expressed real reservations about carrying on with Prince Andrew as a figurehead. It’s very plain that the British military feel embarrassed by this whole affair. If they’re going to be called the “pedophile” RAF or the “pedophile” Royal Navy or the ‘pedophile” British Army, no, no, no, no, no. You’re talking about some of the toughest men in the world. And they know that they’ve got the power to change political regimes just like “that.” Because they’ve got guns and they know how to shoot them. These are hard men who do not like to be humiliated.
The rhetoric about Prince Andrew, over about a month, has fundamentally changed. When he started running and hiding so the lawyers couldn’t serve the papers on him that were going to take him into the civil claim [about sex with under-aged girls], all of the female journalists started saying, “Well, my god. This creep is hiding beneath his mother’s skirts. He should stand up like a man. Listen, Sunshine, it’s time for you to grow a pair and stand up to this and show us that you’re a man.”
You can be just about anything that you want to be in public life in England. You want to be a fornicator? We’re not that bothered. You can hurt people. You can be a thug. You can be just about anything. The one thing you cannot be in England is a coward.
Just in the last couple of days, especially in Australia, they’re starting to say, “Whoa, man. This could seriously be the end of the British monarchy.” Even people who are in the pay of the oligarchs, of the elites, even they are turning against the Royals, against the Establishment. This will be echoing around the top echelons in your own country [America]. There’s all this pressure. How much can they stand?
Right at this moment, I honestly feel that the Establishment must feel that they’re standing on a cliff edge, and they’re looking over their shoulder at the drop behind, and what they thought were a herd of sheep are coming closer and closer and closer and closer, and they’re going to push them over the edge, and now they’re realizing just how many of those sheep are rams and they’ve got horns.
I honestly believe that modern technology has made a bloodless revolution possible. What’s most exciting to me was when I heard someone say that there should be cameras on all politicians just as there are on all policemen, who are behaving in a completely different way now because of cameras. It’s a very huge change.
I could totally see why, someone hearing me right now might say, “Hang on. What about political stability?” My first reaction to that would be, “Well, if political stability means the rape of little children by Prince Andrew, do you really want political stability? Is political stability Jeffrey Epstein? Ghislaine Maxwell going out onto the streets so she could find little girls to seduce so she could strap on a dildo later and rape them? That’s political stability? I don’t think so.” I think we could create a world regime where corruption at the highest levels would become tediously difficult.
Kris: In the United States, we’ve got five hundred and thirty-five people in D.C. because of the size of the building. There should be fifteen hundred people there because [it’s harder to control/corrupt 1,500 than 500]. I’m very hopeful for the future. Every day, it gets cheaper [for anyone] to make movies and there are more places to distribute them. Another thing, I think the media is going to turn on their masters, which is basically the scenario that you’re talking about. It’s going to happen differently here because we don’t have Royals to deal with here.
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