The Journey 63. Francis Richard Conolly: Prince Andrew Must Testify
Publisher RA “Kris” Millegan talks with Francis Richard Conolly about his new book, “JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick,” based on Francis’s documentary, which became a global phenomenon with over a billion hits online (seen by hundreds of thousands while banned by the mainstream media). Also discussed are pedophilia at the highest levels, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Prince Andrew, and the elite trying to shut down the American Republic.

Francis: I would like to send out my greatest thanks to all those people who put the most wonderful public comments on every version there’s been of the YouTube video online. When those shrewd people saw the ban coming, they put pirate copies, new copies, that have been watched a hell of a lot. And the comments tend to say, “Mr. Conolly, you’ve changed my life. Your film woke me up. I didn’t know what reality was and now I do and it’s changed my entire outlook and I’m going to go forward in a different way and thank you. This movie should be shown all over the world. It should be shown in every history class.”
That’s terrific. That’s just what I wanted. All I’m hoping is that all of those people will buy the new book version to [in a way] pay for the free movie. Because then I can get the movie [translated and] distributed to important markets like the Germans, the Italians, the French. I actually think that the French Premier could fall if my film was available in French, in France, because of his connection with the Rothschilds.
Kris: There’s a journey you have to go through. Because you go to church and you go to school. Then you get out of school and you find out, “There’s some stuff that they didn’t tell me and some of the stuff they told me was, well, kind of hinky or something.” I was very, very lucky in that I had years to go through this journey [after my dad told me, “Communism’s all a sham. The same secret societies are behind it all. It’s all a big game”].
When I finally came across Sutton’s book [“America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones”], I said, “Oh! Maybe my dad wasn’t as nuts as I thought he was.” Very lucky to have a long time to confront, “Gosh. These people are killing people. Oh, gosh, this is going on. Oh, gosh [etc.].” Now people have this journey and it’s being compressed into days. A shorter time. But there’s still all the pitfalls within this journey, because they’d like you to jump off the cliff and say, “It’s all this or it’s all that.” They’re very tricky folks. They play people into a corner so that they have to go along with them.
Francis: Everybody’s got some trauma in their childhood, some big event that they remember, that really effected them, really sort of marked them forever. For me it was the Kennedy assassination. I don’t think that modern people, in this cynical age that we live in, can have any appreciation for how much people cared about Kennedy, for this young man who represented a beacon of hope to the entire world. The years of austerity, World War II and the war effects were just ending. There was still an awful lot of privation. The world was still recovering. People still felt frightened.
The big topic of conversation amongst all adults when I was growing up was, “Is there going to be a third world war?” They never seemed to talk about anything else. “And if there is, do we get the nuclear missiles this time? Is it the end of humanity?” Can you imagine growing up with that? Today’s kids have still got it in a way but, with the privations and the fact that so many people had nothing, it was much more keenly felt.
And here’s this beacon of hope, this attractive young man who seemed to represent the modern world, the first president to fly around in jets, and it looks like humanity is taking off together. We’ve had these terrible world wars. We’ve had all this brutality. We’ve had all this death and genocide with the holocaust. But that’s all going to be the past because we’ve got this amazing young man who’s leading America, leading the USA, the strongest force in the world. And, “Boom!” It’s wiped out. Just like that. All of that hope was wiped out. And you could feel it in the community that I grew up in. It was like, we had all these dreams. And they’ve all been taken away. So that was why the Kennedy assassination became part of the fabric of my skin or something. The journey really was from that moment on. It never let go of me. It was always in the back of mind. Always something that I wanted to study.
Kris: JFK was the opening act of this infiltration and this destruction of our republic, and 9/11, they were looking to slam the door. When they do their psychological warfare, sometimes it works pretty good. Sometimes we people are too stiff-necked and it doesn’t work. The personal computer allows me to be a publisher, allows you to be a movie producer, and the internet allows us to talk to each other and get these things out there.
Francis: The thing that I would like to see most is for people everywhere to scrawl on walls, or put on paper high where the police can’t just scratch it off straight away, put it on social media – absolutely anywhere that anyone can see it – just to say that “Prince Andrew Must Testify.” The feeling I get is that in America, you’re hearing less about this than we are. I was noticing in the last few weeks that all this news about Ghislaine Maxwell, which was unremitting, suddenly, Bam! – she’s out of the news. The news about her has just gone. I think that they might be getting ready to rub her out. And I don’t necessarily mean physically.
There’s never been proof that she’s been incarcerated. Not one shred of proof. We get a couple of cartoon drawings. That’s all. Jeffrey Epstein had his mugshot. Why can’t she have a mugshot? On that website that shows who’s locked up in America, even after weeks, there was no prison number for her. There was after I checked. Once I checked, yeah, they’d done it by then. I think that it’s likely that they’re about to do another Jeffrey Epstein. I don’t believe that he was murdered. I think that they just dug him out of there.
I believe personally that he’s still alive. That Prince Andrew got him out of there. They’ll have discussed this at the CIA. They’ll have discussed this at MI5 Headquarters ad nauseum over the last few months. There is simply no way that they can have a witness who could put every single fat cat in the world behind bars for child rape. They just cannot have that. They’ve got to do something, somehow. They somehow have got to close this Ghislaine Maxwell thing down.