The Journey 60. Wayne Madsen: Trump and Other Fascists

Publisher RA “Kris” Millegan talks with investigative journalist and author Wayne Madsen (“OVERTHROW A FASCIST REGIME ON $15 a Day: The Internet Irregulars vs. The Powers That Be” and “JADED TASKS: Brass Plates, Black Ops, and Big Oil: The Blood Politics of George Bush & Company”) about Donald Trump and the fascist uprising around the world, President Bolsonaro of Brazil, Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, and more.
K: I was very impressed with a couple of your latest reports []. I’d like you to expand on one of your recent ones about Donald Trump and this fascist uprising around the world.
W: One of the most egregious cases of Trump and foreign fascists in an alliance is his relationship with [President Jair] Bolsonaro in Brazil. Steve Bannon, who maintains close links with Trump, has been involved in trying to do there what they tried to do here. Bolsonaro is a would-be dictator. [His son Eduardo was at a symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where he indicated that, if his father loses re-election next year, it’ll be because the winner stole the election, like Trump accused Biden of stealing the American election last year.]
Bolsonaro is on record praising Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Donald Trump. Bannon and Trump’s former communications director, Jason Miller, have been involved in an attempt by Bolsonaro to get his masses to storm the Brazilian Supreme Court and the congress. There were other Republicans at what was called CPAC Brazil. This was Bannon’s doing.
Bannon is an international fascist. He tried to set up an academy to train fascists at a 13th century monastery in Italy. And Tucker Carlson is part of this fascist movement and he recently attended a seminar at a college in Hungary where he praised their fascist dictator. Bolsonaro and his father were very close to some of the Nazis from Germany and fascists from Italy [that we helped get to Brazil after World War II].
K: And you have this story of Nixon basically getting his [start] because he was blackmailing the Dulles brothers because he discovered that they were bringing in thousands of Nazis against direct written orders from President Truman. And Angleton also got his job basically by blackmailing the Dulles brothers, who said, “Well, you know, we’ve got sixty or seventy of our friends here who don’t really need to go through your background checks.”