The Journey 57. Katherine Wilson: Ask For Help (Doors Open)
RA “Kris” Millegan (TrineDay publisher) and Katherine Wilson (screenwriter and film-maker) discuss her book, “Echoes From The Set, Volume II: 1967-1977 (Shadows From The Underground: Cinema Under The Influence)” and biculturals (people raised in one culture who come to live in another), DNA memory, how the Boomers created the counter-culture, Ken Kesey, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” the banishment and return of the divine feminine, the collapse of war-capitalism and the dawning Age of Aquarius.

K: One of the things in your most recent book is the bicultural voice.
KW: Oregon’s Ken Kesey was the first author to put a non-Hollywood Indian in a major role (Will Sampson in “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”). I found out that Ken Kesey was part Cherokee. Biculturalism is the new leading science here at the University of Oregon. Biculturals are usually mixed race or we’re pure white but we were raised in, say, Afghanistan because our parents were in the military. Now they’re proving that we actually have DNA memory from our ancestors’ lives and it’s usually associated with trauma. It’s an evolutionary thing. With DNA memory, we’re navigating two cultures at the same time in our minds and in our hearts and in our bodies. Biculturals are bridges between cultures because they’ve had to navigate their own interior, two separate cultures.
Kesey presented the Indian in a white culture, the cuckoo’s nest. The first black man to get a Ph.D., W.E.B. DuBois, was a quarter white. He influenced Martin Luther King Jr. on how to navigate the white culture. I’m finding them everywhere in very key positions in the history of the world being able to collaborate with each other in a good way instead of declaring war on each other.
K: It’s part of my posit that the Boomers were targeted by forces in the shadows. My father told me, “The Vietnam War is about drugs. There are these secret societies behind it.” He said that they had this war so they could get people to Vietnam, have them there for about a year, and some of them would get addicted to heroin, and send them back to create this drug culture.
The Boomers, we were not supposed to cohere as a generation. A very good book called “Generations: The History of America’s Future” shows how the generation of the 1860s, the teens and pre-teens, didn’t cohere, and it was because of a war, the assassination of a president, and opium. And these people in the shadows tried to do it again to the Boomer generation, to the teens and pre-teens of the 1960s. We had the war, the assassination, and we had all these drugs coming around. Us kids saw that “something hinky’s going on here,” so we jumped aside and created a counter-culture which still is very viable fifty years later. Part of it had to do with LSD.
KW: Kesey was so instrumental in the LSD thing that happened.
K: When he wrote “Cuckoo’s Nest” in 1962, you posit that the Indian character came to him when he was on peyote. And that Indian was the first in a film not in the Hollywood tradition. And you document this big change in how Hollywood started to look at Indians and the stories that came out of Hollywood were different [thereafter].
KW: The first chapter was when he was working in the nut house. And it was the same hospital where he had started in the MKULTRA experiment, taking LSD and peyote and other hallucinogens. He was a guinea pig. In the book, that Indian was Ken. Kesey was from Oklahoma. His grandfather was from Oklahoma. My grandmother was from Oklahoma. I keep running into people whose grandparents were from Oklahoma who have this bicultural voice. Kesey accessed ancient tribal memory through the drug. We all did. We found ourselves aligning with the American Indian and their plight because we were once all Indians.
I look at the Hopi prophesies in this book but I go clear back to, pardon my French, fucking Plato. Because Plato is where the white culture comes from around the time of Christ being born, where women were left outside the gate of Athens. The divine feminine energy was separated from logic, discourse, argument, reason, rhetoric. That rhetoric has created all these world wars. The divine feminine was booted out. Plato kicked her out. And Christianity kicked her out.
Cleopatra was Mary Magdalene’s great-great-grandmother. And when William Butler Yeats write that poem, “The Second Coming,” he is also accessing ancient DNA memory and he accessed the future. And what that was going to look like is the Age of Aquarius. A new religion will be born, a new spirituality. Because we are evolving at the speed of light. After the old Fisher King of the Christian era, the sphinx is the next era. And she is a woman. It’s a divine feminine. It’s coming back to [bring] balance.
K: I’ve had a series of books that all point to the same direction. That we have a paradigm shift and a big part of it is the bringing back of the feminine. I hope for the best. There’s a book called “The Alphabet versus The Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image.” A lot of these things are two-edged sword. There’s nothing all bad and all good to a certain extent. We’re here on earth to learn. To find out, “What are you made of? How are you going to treat your brothers and sisters? How are you going to treat your Mother Earth?” There are such things as karma and dharma. They are actual, real things that we have to live through.
Even in all this craziness that’s going on, I am very, very hopeful. I really think that good things are going to happen and by having discussions, hopefully we can get through this darkness and into the light. And that’s why I publish books. Books change people’s lives.
KW: I also talk about that book [“The Alphabet versus The Goddess”] in my book, about what Carl Jung talked about. When the image is separated from the word, what you have there is the paradigm of the masculine and the feminine. And the “I Ching” talks about it. The creator and the receptive. Dionysus, Apollo. But there are not dialectics. And that’s what Plato did. He created dialectics. Because there was no feminine balance [in his work]. When you separate the word from the image, you separate the divine masculine from the divine feminine. Everything that’s wrong with this world is because of the lack of the divine feminine. We have all these wounded masculine men running around and we have wounded feminine. And the wounds are what we’re here to heal.
K: What’s the solution?
KW: It’s already happening. The old capitalist ways are not working anymore and [the people in the shadows] are feeling it. That’s why they got Trump in there, to normalize “grab ‘em by the pussy.” To normalize their agenda. It’s all a reaction to our generation [and the counter-culture]. The Age of Aquarius is just now happening. And old patriarchal, racist ways won’t work anymore. Because there’s a new sheriff in town and she’s pissed. There are too many women and indigenous people and black people who are telling their stories.
K: There are forces using algorithms to keep [truth-tellers] in a corner. I’ve been doing this twenty years. Have published over 120 books and can’t get a Wikipedia page. The powers-that-be have to stuff the truth on JFK and on 9/11 to keep in power. Even though the information is so overwhelming on the JFK assassination, and so overwhelming on 9/11.
KW: There is a power greater than all this. It’s going to take time for the energy [of the Age of Aquarius] to focus into a point of power. But it’s happening. I learned about how Indians can change weather. The US Cavalry documented the Nez Perce Indians creating weather. There are powers that we have been removed from so economic power can reign. When we hit bottom, our money will be worthless, and their money will be worthless. The only people that are going to survive are the people on a spiritual path and all the Indians and all the sages of every culture have said that this is going to happen. The salt of the earth people are the only ones that are going to survive this.
Everybody’s so powerless. The kids I’m in class with here at the University of Oregon are in fetal positions. They are not doing well. In their mind, their future is dead. The planet’s dead. Jobs are dead. There’s no money. We’re in a pandemic. We’re going to probably hit an economic depression. What do they have to live for? And they’ve turned very strange with all of this stress.
And I keep saying, “The Age of Aquarius is here. You need to be with her. And we need to bring balance to this insane masculine war-capitalism.” The United States is not just IN war. The United States IS war. The three pillars of racism are what keep us so sick: colonialism, to create genocide, slavery for capitalism, and orientalism, to make Asian people our enemies to declare war on. That’s the only reason the United States is so wealthy. It’s the wars. To stop that is going to take a power greater than we are and this eon that is coming is that power.
K: Now is the time for all good men and women to step up to the aid of their country, to the world.
KW: We need to start talking to her, him, it, mother, father universe, creator, Great Spirit and ask for help. And doors open. Speak your word. Align it with positivity. And if you need examples, read my book. Because I show you how these miracles have happened for me.