The Journey 53. Whitney Webb: Digital Dictatorship (The Breaking Point)
Whitney Webb, an independent journalist who writes at Unlimited Hangout and The Last American Vagabond (and won the 2019 Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism) and TrineDay publisher RA “Kris” Millegan discuss mainstream media poaching her research, Internet censorship (a modern day book burning), Covid-19 health data for the U.S. and the U.K. managed by a company that contracts to all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, billionaire, organized crime-linked “philanthropist” families, like Mafia families, spying on and betraying each other, and how the Anti-Defamation League colluded with the FBI (to entrap people with the intention to commit extra-judicial murder) and weaponized anti-Semitism to protect members of the Jewish mob. Her TrineDay book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” will be released in February 2022.

K: What’s your relationship with mainstream media? Are they trying to steal your stuff? Are they poaching your stuff? Are they giving you credit?
W: No. I have had stories poached. It mostly happened last year. I had a story poached by “The Washington Post” and also by “The Intercept.” I did have some mainstream interest in my Epstein research. I was contacted by a Ghislaine Maxwell documentary to appear in that. However, the rights to it were bought by NBC News and then I was dropped immediately from the list of researchers. The producers were interested in covering the intelligence ties. I guess they decided not to cover them.
But I was contacted by a film company that’s producing an Epstein documentary for Hulu and as of right now I’ll be filming that the first week of August. And they’re very interested not just in the intelligence ties but the other aspects of my book [“One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” coming in February 2022] and my work on Epstein regarding organized crime, intelligence, Operation Underworld, the blackmail of J. Edgar Hoover, Meyer Lansky and a lot of these other activities that gave rise to Epstein.
K: The Plaza Hotel!
W: They previously did a feature-length documentary on Roy Cohn. They said my research connected a lot of dots that had been missing for them.
Regarding my stories being poached, I published a piece on Freedom of Information Act documents that I got from the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, which is chaired by former head of Google Eric Schmidt and is basically Silicon Valley, the intelligence community and the military deciding how to weaponize A.I. against the American people for its surveillance agenda, in order to be the global military and economic leader of A.I. into the foreseeable future as a way to quote-unquote beat China. Naomi Klein of “The Intercept” subsequently took these FOIA documents that I had hunted for like a needle in a haystack and published them without crediting me and offered a very limited hangout interpretation of those documents.
The type of people employed in those high paying mainstream positions today don’t really have a lot of integrity or creativity more often than not, or even originality. They just tend to be stenographers for either corporate America or the government. So they have to poach information from people that actually have some ability to make up for their lack of that. I don’t want to put all mainstream reporters in the same boat but more often than not, in order to ascend in that career path, these days you sort of have to play ball with certain agendas and not cover certain pieces of information or certain pieces of the story even when it’s very clear that there’s an imperative to do so.
K: You have to listen to your editors. What are the hopes and fears that you have today?
W: I am worried that there is a window where there will be an attempt at mass censorship of information online. Essentially a modern day book burning but the virtual version as it were. Since I’ve been writing the book I’ve made a lot of effort to make PDFs of websites. I noticed that several were already taken down, including a lot of the original documentation of Ghislaine Maxwell’s sister, Christine Maxwell, and her involvement in the Homeland Security software company Kilead that contracted to DHS and a lot of federal agencies after 9/11.
A lot of that information has been entirely eliminated from the internet, probably because she founded it with an active chief information officer of the CIA back in the late 90s, and that same CIA official was later involved with the creation of Palantir [Technologies], which now manages all of the Covid-19 health data for both the U.S. and the U.K. and contracts to all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies. And of course Peter Thiel, who runs that company, doesn’t really want that connection to the Maxwell sisters to be aired out, I think. They’ve obviously made an effort to take [down] information online.
We’ve seen this with 9/11 truth-related research and original documentation of that event. A lot of that has been scrubbed from places like YouTube in an effort to make that information as inaccessible as possible. So this sort of book burning has already been taking place. I am worried that it will accelerate because a lot of different initiatives have been announced by not just the U.S. government but these global entities as it were, like the World Economic Forum’s “Partnership Against Cybercrime,” which included the direct involvement of the U.S. Department of Justice and their equivalent in the U.K. and Israel, all seeking to essentially clamp down on the free flow of information. They define people that spread quote-unquote disinformation as cyber-criminals.
Recently Biden’s domestic terror strategy labeled people who spread disinformation as potentially being “domestic terror extremists.” So there is an effort to criminalize information that the powers-that-be don’t want out there. My concern is that there will be some sort of event that will be used to manufacture consent for these policies among the general public. Back in 2001, the PATRIOT Act [was] authored before 9/11. The framework for what would become the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] was introduced early in 2001 in Congress and went nowhere because people were like, “We don’t need a new intelligence agency.” Then 9/11 happens and there’s this demand for what would become DHS. If history is any indication [information censorship] needs some sort of event to get [it] pushed through.
And it’s no coincidence that Joe Biden is president while this is taking place. After the Oklahoma City bombing, which has considerable evidence that it was a false-flag [in 1995], he introduced legislation that called for the removal of habeas corpus [and] Posse Comitatus [and would] give the president exclusive power to name who is a terrorist and who is not, among other extreme Orwellian powers that would transform the U.S. into a dictatorship, and we have Biden as president at this crucial point in time when they’ve made this very overt pivot to domestic terrorism and the war against [it] which they are attempting to launch. My hope is that people start to wake up to this.
Because it’s become quite clear that this isn’t an event like 9/11. What we have been living the past year and a half is essentially a slow-motion, perpetual 9/11 that doesn’t look like it’s going to end any time soon. [Now is the time to] stand up against the powers-that-be, this nexus between organized crime and intelligence that hasn’t been accountable for numerous decades and has continued to grow in its influence and fester and commit crimes in every sector of the economy, all over the world … domestically we’re living the consequences of that and it can only go on so far until it reaches a breaking point and I would argue that that breaking point is here. So I hope that people realize that and do what needs to be done to stop what is really a cancer masquerading as the United States government from taking all of our freedom away essentially.
K: I have great hope that their plans are not going to come to complete fruition.
W: The NXIVM [the sexual slavery cult that got exposed] is also interesting because it involves to an extent Roger Stone, the well-known political operative who was a prodigy of Roy Cohn – who’s a big focus of my book – and he was also involved in this blackmail effort that took down former governor of New York Eliot Spitzer. He was involved in that enterprise that ended up entrapping him and blackmailing him and then was subsequently a lobbyist for NXIVM.
K: Daniel Hopsicker has been looking at a lot of the drug side and he’s basically declared that it’s a Gangster Planet [his upcoming book].
W: That’s a fair assessment.
K: There’s been times when Skull and Bones, their hold on the power of America was very, very strong. But it ebbs and flows and people die and [whatnot]. What are your thoughts when you kind of look at the mega …
W: There are a lot of competing factions of the global elite. They tend to fight over the spoils of war, as it were, and go to war with each other over petty or significant things. In the context of my Epstein book and the intelligence and organized crime syndicate, there are a couple of secret societies that come up more often than not.
Of course you have the involvement of a lot of Freemasons and very prominent members of the Order of B’nai B’rith, Sons of the Covenant, as it’s called. And allegedly in the 19th Century there was some sort of agreement forged by Albert Pike with B’nai B’rith that they would sort of work in concert with the U.S. Freemasons. Of course these are all very secretive societies with a lot of influential members. We don’t know what goes on at their meetings. It can be quite hard to piece together what is true and isn’t true about these groups. Talking about Roy Cohn, for example, his father led the very influential Number One B’nai B’rith lodge for several years. Also popping up are Catholic groups like the Knights of Malta, and they allegedly have Freemason ties as well.
I’d like to thank everyone who pre-ordered the book for their patience. I had to delay the book because Chile’s authoritarian Covid-19 responses, I would argue, have been the most extreme in the world, at least for a government that is considered a democracy. I ended up having to leave because they made it literally impossible to get child care. You could only leave your house twice a week for two hours each, and you have to get permission from the police to do so. (Now you have to show a vaccine passport and show you’ve been vaccinated to get food, get gas or go to the bank.) There was a family that was out on the road after curfew. They were dragged out of their cars by the military, subjected to a fake firing squad/mock execution, doused in gasoline and had their lives threatened just for being in their car at the wrong time. It’s regressed to what the Pinochet dictatorship was. It was not a situation that I could live in. So I left in March and had to move across the world with a young child and I’m also pregnant and having to set up a new life somewhere was very time-consuming and difficult. I’ve gotten a lot of messages of support saying it’s fine, and I just want to say that I appreciate that a lot.